
Showing posts from November, 2008


I just woke up from a horrible nightmare. This is common for me, I have them at least once every 2 weeks now. They used to be about once a month, but now they are much more frequent. I have potential reasons for these things, but first let me tell you about my dream. I was in a giant house with my brothers and some other people. Like a GIANT house. There were tons of flights of stairs leading to different landings. We were on a mission (I'm always on a crazy mission in my dreams). This time I had a special stun gun, and I was looking for a giant spider that liked to torture people. Since this house had so many rooms, my brothers and I were basically shouting and stomping around to see if we could raise enough commotion for the spider to come out and attack so we could stun it (and maybe kill it or imprison dream thinking didn't get that far). So I was running up some stairs with my brother Keith, and we were both a little afraid because it was kinda dark and qui

Celebrities May Be Smaller Than They Appear

If there's one thing I learned since moving to NYC, it's that celebrities are tiny people. Usually both thin and short. When I met most of the cast of Ugly Betty , that was what I noticed first. I met Amanda, Mark, Hilda, and saw Betty (I don't know their real names, I don't even watch the show actually) and they looked like the littlest people alive. America Ferrera (I lied, I know her name) must be like 5'0. Last week I went to a broadway show called "Spring Awakening" that starred Hunter Parrish (Silas on Weeds ). On stage he looked thin but tall. Once we spoke to him afterwards he was shorter than me (I was leaning back in the pic) and definitely thinner than me. The day after meeting Hunter, I found "no parking" temporary signs on my street. These signs are posted all over the place when a filming is going on. I looked at what was filming, and lucky me, it was Flight of the Conchords , season 2! I've mentioned here before that


So I wrote last January about my cousin Lauren's fiance who was paralyzed when his car went into a ravine. He still hasn't moved, other than involuntarily, and he is going to live with his parents instead of my cousin, because they have a handicapped accessible house. A couple days ago, my cousin Leah's fiance, Shawn, was killed when he hit a tree with his car. My cousin has three previous children, and Shawn was willing to adopt them all and be a father to them, as well as a great guy to my cousin. I feel so bad for her. She had already set the date and asked me to be in the wedding. I really hope that I'm not cursed to be in wedding parties for my cousins... In lighter news, I finally finished the four books in George RR Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. Sooooo good. Some of the best reading I've ever done. I have no fucking clue how, but this author can write political intrigue, romance, horror, and medieval times like nobody I've