
Showing posts from December, 2007

More Than a Wee Bit of Magical Shenanigans! the catchphrase for the awesome Darby O'Gill and the Little People movie I got for Christmas from my brother. I won't lie to you people, I don't feel like writing a blog. My PMS hit me today, and if I haven't said it before, I'll say it now: My PMS is much different than other people's. People get cramps and bloating and blah blah whatever. I don't get ANY physical symptoms, only mental ones. I get depressed, afraid, giddy, paranoid, angry, lethargic, catastrophic, etc. Usually all in one day. It's like I'm a crazy person for about 4 days a month. It goes away the first day of my period, and my mood dramatically improves from there. But this time period sucks for me. I do want to mention some things I really liked about today: 1 --I FINALLY fracking got 5 stars on "Raining Blood" on medium in Guitar Hero 3. I'd moved on to the "Hard" setting, so I was pissed that I could beat the songs on Hard no problem, but

When I Grow Up I'll Be Stable

Ah December, the time for universal nostalgia. It's hard to have nostalgia when you're a kid, because your life just isn't long enough to think of like that. Really you're just looking forward to growing up and being able to do things like drive, drink, legally watch porn, etc. In my opinion, there are two types of nostalgia. One is based on friendships and fun happenstances, and one is based on traditions. My overall nostalgia has been worse than ever this year. Not because I'm not happy right now, because I am extremely happy right now. But because I know that I'm moving to a completely different place in my life, and I'm going to go there and look back fondly on the good times I'm having in the present. So, essentially, I'm getting pre-nostalgic. Which is fine because I won't take as many things for granted. Mostly when I think back and reminisce on good times, it's because of fun people in my life. Usually those people are gone

Arigato, Japan

A few weeks ago, Mike and I paid a friendly visit to the leader of his improv troupe (Smike) and his wife, Melinda. They enjoy video games, asian things (seriously...a lot), and snakes. Though I didn't hold their snakes this time, they did introduce me to the wonderful world of Samurai Champloo and Read or Die . They also threw a handful of asian films at me when I left their house. Last week Mike and I watched Versus . This is a movie about reincarnation, samurais, zombies, and guns. Though the plot was a bit thin, I did enjoy the outfits and the artful blood splatter. I actually did like the film more than I thought I would. It was funny and the main guys were engaging. I don't really want to ruin anything, so I'll leave it at that. Tonight I watched Moonchild . This is a film starring two Japanese rock legends, Hyde and Gackt. Hyde plays an extremely emo vampire (Kei), and Gackt plays the kid who finds him and befriends him (Sho). The movie actually isn'