
Showing posts from September, 2007

Ya Ta!

Not sure about the spelling, but as a translation to all the non-Heroes fans: "I Did It!" The surgery was a success. A few of the firsts that I mentioned in my earlier blog didn't actually ever happen. I didn't get a tube down my throat, just some Propofol and other stuff pumped into my IV. I think the anesthesiologist may have slightly misunderstood me when I told him I had a very low tolerance for anything drug related. He laughed and told me I'd be titrated. Obviously it all turned out well in the end, but I was asleep literally 3 seconds after being wheeled into the O.R. The last thing I remembered were big lights and lots of people in blue scrubs. I believe my doctor was talking to me but I have no idea what he was saying. The next thing I know, I'm shaking and crying. This was about an hour and a half later. I think when I'm in any kind of extreme emotional state I just cry. Even when I'm startled, I'll well up and start crying an

My First Surgery

So I'm having surgery bright and early tomorrow morning. I am having my foot fractured and then put back together in a more correct manner. This is because I have bunions, which are not similar to hemorrhoids like I once thought, but they are when your bone below your big toe grows out away from your foot. In my case, my bone was doing all sorts of funny things. Apparently as well as moving out, it was also able to move up and down while my foot was stationary, which my doctor tells me is not right. This will be my first surgery, first time getting anesthesia (unless you count Novocaine), first time with a tube down my throat, first time on crutches, first time taking Vicodin, etc. Lots of firsts tomorrow. Sooo I'm kinda scared that I'm gonna get a blood clot and die. Probably not any type of real worry, but I'm worried all the same. I know a few of my doctor and med school friends read this, so if you could possibly tell me something hopeful, that would be grrrr

You Are My Sweet Charade

I have many pictures to show, and only a few stories to go along with them. Firstly, I will conclude my incredibly amazing cliffhanger from my last blog. I went home to Geneva for x-rays last week, and stopped to hang out with my mom. Ever since my dad moved out, it seems as if my mom and my brothers have taken to throwing whatever they want into my old room. (My dad stayed in my room for awhile after he and my mom separated but before he moved.) I went home to grab my prom dress, and first heard that bees had taken over my room. That was okay, because they were all dead from being poisoned by my family. (But not before tearing up my ceiling): However, I could barely get to my old closet anyway, because of all the SHIT that was just hanging out in my room. This all would be okay if I was a messy person. I, however, am NOT a messy person. Come to my current apartment and you'll see what I mean. So I yelled about it for a minute, grabbed the dress and an old hippie shirt (and

Congrats Gym Class Heroes!

I just want to add a quick congratulations to Gym Class Heroes, a band that I've known for almost 10 years now, since we all were in high school in Geneva. They just won an MTV video music award for best new artist. They're a great band, with such catchy music, and it's nice to see Travis still sticking to his roots and coming back to Geneva frequently. Keep up the good work guys!

Erica Being Social (for once!)

First I'll do a little catching up from the Pittsburgh trip. Nicole, Andrew, and I went down there for 3 days at the end of August to learn about one of the new studies in our lab. Hotel, airfare, meals, all paid for. I believe I spent a total of 33 dollars in 3 days. So awesome. The company even took us to a castle to eat one night! (It was also the night we made a few new friends from Atlanta, courtesy of me running into one of them at 2am at the front desk of the hotel because both of us were looking for toothbrushes) Eating at the castle: Our new Atlanta friends (my favorite was Sam--the Korean Zoolander in the pic): The only real free time we got was at the end of day 2, when we ended our session early and got to go see the city a little. All three of us caught a shuttle, bus, and subway to downtown, where, after a few missteps, we found Station Square. We walked around there for awhile, then went on this famous giant incline that I can never remember how to pronounce

You Have to Be Insane To Be As Sick As You Are

I'm currently uploading a ridiculous amount of pictures to my myspace account, and while that is happening, I have nothing better to do than to write in my trusty blog. I only have a few things to say...well actually I have many things to say but not much to say about them so it's still a small amount of writing. Anyway....thing number one: I just obtained The Fratelli's album "Costello Music" and I love every song on it. It's kind of Irish rock with a slight swing music feel. It's all very catchy and I'm glad I have it. I've finished doing a large number of things lately and have moved on to others. A Game of Thrones is done, and so is the last Harry Potter book, now I'm attempting to read Great Expectations , but I really just want to read more of George R.R. Martin's Fire and Ice series. Oh well, I'll get to it eventually. I finished watching Record of Lodoss War, and Carnivale, and now am in the middle of the first season of