
Showing posts from August, 2007

Steel and Heinz Ketchup

I am going on another business trip (my 3rd this year!) for the lab. This time it is to Pittsburgh, PA, from this Sunday to Wednesday. One of my high school friends lives there now, but he has not taken the time to read my myspace message asking him where to go to have a good time in Pittsburgh, so I will just eat tons of Heinz ketchup and go to...steel factories...? Steelers games maybe? I'm not a sports watcher, but I doubt football games are going on right now. Actually I'll be doing work related activities (taking lots of notes) on monday and tuesday during the day, and we are leaving on wednesday, so really it'll just be night stuff (aka going out to bars) that I get to do. Good thing my trusty bar friend is going along with me. It should be fun. Speaking of Pittsburgh and drinking and work related things....a medical doctor who is sort of a consultant for our lab invited me to his house last night for a party. I took Angel and we had a GREAT time. I don't

I'm Condemning the Future to Death So It Can Match the Past

I've been feeling a bit contemplative lately, made worse by continually watching philosophically interesting movies and having deep debative (yes I realize that's not a word) conversations. The other day I was watching a new show on Sci-Fi called Mind Reading with Derren Brown or something like that. It's a really interesting show, because the guy says that he has absolutely no psychic ability, but he's practiced psychological techniques of reading people's affect and expressions and can tell what a person is thinking by that. This guy is no doubt a master of all in the realm of subliminal persuasion, but *IF* nothing on his show is faked (like he says over and over again) he's got to have some kind of extra ability that not all of us have. He can hypnotize people by just looking at them, and that's not normal. So I was talking about this show to Andrew at work, and we were discussing "psychic powers" and other phenomena. We debate these things be

Dastardly Deeds Done During Disturbing Discourse

That title was Andrew's contribution to this blog entry. We are both sleep deprived, but I have a few minutes before the lady wakes up so I wanted to write in here before I forgot. I only have a few things to say, and I may just go kill Andrew in a few minutes because he's just saying "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo" over and over again in the background. Firstly...if you like fantasy (and who doesn't like fantasy..?) GO SEE STARDUST . It amazes me! (said in Invader Zim voice) I thought it would be kinda generic when I saw the preview, but the preview is nothing compared to the film. I should have known, since it was a Neil Gaiman novel. It's got witches and air pirates and stars that are people and ghosts and kings and funny little Englishmen. And it's got an awesome script. So go! Now! Secondly...I have to get foot surgery soon. Blech. It's gonna be super crappy too, since apparently I'm double jointed AND I have bunions, which are

Brand New Obsession

As of around 5pm today, I became randomly (damn you Mr. Cutter) obsessed with the Toadies song "Possum Kingdom". I know, I'm a little behind on the times, but it's such a sexy scary song. I can't help but to love it. At least for the moment.