
Showing posts from May, 2007

My New Home....for now

I have moved again. This is my 4th apartment in Rochester, and possibly the last. I'm a gypsy at heart, what can I say? This apartment is pretty damn cool, though. I am living with a boy that I love, and I know I did that the last time and it turned out badly, but this time it's different. Laugh or whatever, but it is! I took the liberty of taking a few pictures of the place. It's got two living rooms (one is a fooseball/bar/fun room thing) a dining room, butler's pantry, kitchen, two bedrooms (one is a guest/computer/piano room) and of course a bathroom. It's kinda hard to take pictures of the place but you can get a small idea from these: Our living room, before our furniture Part of the Butler Pantry, also before we got stuff in there Our cute little bar area A view of the dining ro

Future Trophy Wife

That's the name on a t-shirt that I wanted at Steve & Barry's today but, alas, I heart my plain ole solid colored clothing way too much to flirt with it too badly. Currently I'm sitting in Joe's room on his computer waiting for him to return from showerland. Britney (old school) is blasting from the bathroom and Pete is laying (quietly!!!) next to me, it's different and nice. My life never really changes, unless I come down to Geneva, then usually I notice that my friends are reproducing other friends like crazy, and I have to meet a whole bunch of new people. Which is fine, it's just another painful reminder of how removed I am from them. But really, all of my non-Rochesterian friends have hosts of other friends as well, so it's not really a big deal. It is what happens. You can't know everyone. And blah blah blah. I still have a great time when I see them, and that's what matters. I am down here to hang with them, and to hang with my m