
Showing posts from March, 2007

NYC Trip (plus sweet videos!)

Erica's Catching Up Blog, Part II. Mike and I planned a trip to NYC for March 18 th -21st for me to meet his friends, for him to see his friends again, for us to see (his best girl friend) Jadelynn's show, and for us to see where we will potentially live in 2008. We actually did all of that and more! We got to JFK on sunday afternoon, and after traveling on airbuses and subway trains, we finally made it from Queens to Upper Manhattan where Mike's good friend Elliot lives with coworker (and Mike's former coworker) Jimmy and his girlfriend Wendy. I didn't snap any pics of Jimmy and Wendy, but I feel bad that I forgot so I'm gonna steal one from Wendy's myspace and put it up to give them props for letting us stay with them. So that's Jimmy and Wendy, you'll be seeing a lot of Elliot later in this blog. Who you should also meet though, are Jimmy and Wendy's animals, two dogs and a cat who all hang out together, and are adorable: Anyway, we find

Catching Up (Pt 1)

Okay let me catch up a little bit on my life for the past month. I won't go into my NYC trip at the moment, but I definitely will in a few days. In very early March I got an invitation from Arick to visit his new home in Palmyra. Angel and I were the only sleep lab cronies that could come, so we went and checked out his and his fiance's new place. It was a very cute, cozy house. Like a barn house but none of the dirtiness of a barn. He had some other people over, and we played some games and ate some food and had fun. Then I was talking to this lady from Canadaigua who knew pretty much ALL of my good friends from college, including Sara, Travis, Davey, Dave K., Janelle, and Sue's good friend Kristin (not from my school). It was really funny since this lady is in her 50s, but I guess Canadaigua isn't that big. After Arick's place Angel and I picked up Tracey and went out to Vinyl, a new-ish bar/club on East and Alexander. It was fun, I hadn't danced in aw

A Short Letter To My Readers

Hey guys, I have lots to say but no will to write at the moment (it waxes and wanes) so I'll just say that I promise to write again after I get back from NYC. I'm going there with Mike until Wednesday. We're going so he can show me all his favorite places and I can meet a bunch of his friends. Hope everyone is partying hard for St. Patty's Day...(I spent the day at the spa, which is good enough for me) -Erica

I heart Glenn Quinn and Updates

I am here at work, the nice lady is in bed already, and Andy is here next to me taking a stab at my copy of Brain Age for DS. He keeps shouting things like "I wrote a 7, not a zero!" and starting over, it's pretty funny. Anyway, I'm here tonight mostly because I'm pissed at the tv show Angel at the moment, but also because I haven't written in a little while and I feel like I need to. First off, the Angel thing. So Mike and I have finished watching Buffy (finally), and have since moved on to Angel . I feel very indifferent towards David Boreanz as a person, and he is even a little boring sometimes to me. However, the show is really entertaining, and witty like Buffy . Part of that entertainment is the fact that for 9 episodes, there was this wonderful character named Doyle (Glenn Quinn). I have a sneaking suspicion he was kicked off the show for a drug problem, but he was really really good on the show, not to mention easy on the eyes. (mostly because of hi