
Showing posts from January, 2007

A Short Critique

Tonight I am here to do what I believe I do best. Analyze films. Since my roommate is the queen of bad taste in movies (I love her but she rented My Super Ex-Girlfriend, The Covenant, and Lady in the Water one after another.) While I didn't happen to catch the first two, I had nothing to do tonight, and as such, decided I would sit through Lady in the Water . Now the preview for that movie was good. The first preview, where all you saw was Paul Giamatti and the rest was left to your imagination. It's when they started revealing weird dogs and other half-assed mythological creatures that I knew I wouldn't see it in the theatre. So without giving too much away for whoever is actually gonna want to see it, I will say a few words. One--it is way too pretentious. Some movies are pretentious and get away with it, mostly historical films like The Passion... because well, it's F-ing JESUS. I don't mind that. I do mind when the pretentiousness has no follow-through

Cranberry Jane

If I had my own rock group, it would be called Cranberry Jane. I thought the name up the other day while exchanging emails with one of the techs and I kinda like it. Maybe it's not as good as "Wet Lettuce", but we can't all be THAT cool :-P So in the land of Cranberry, not much has been going on lately. I haven't been swimming, and as such, have lost all my muscle mass. I had to put together 5 leather chairs for the lab today, and I was exhausted. I really need to start swimming again. I also did an MRI study again today. I'm becoming the MRI ho I think, because he wants me back next week. Hey, he pays in cash and I just get to sit and stare at things for an hour, it's fine with me! In other hospital news, my grandpa is in the hospital. No, not the dead one, he'd never be the type to donate his body to science. The live and kicking one is no longer kicking so much. He got in a car accident and broke his hip (ripped it off the ball socket) cra

An Office Update!

The Office has me excited again. First of all, there is Creed. Those of you who don't know his character, he is an old(er) man who is not in much of the show, but he's hilarious when he is in it. I found a youtube video with most of his funny stuff. The firing scene is a bit too long but get past that and hilarity ensues! So that's Creed. I wanted to be his friend on myspace because I think he's the funniest one besides Jim and Pam. Soooo then I decided to message him to tell him I wished he was in more of the episodes and that he's great. Then I tacked on a "oh and my mom and brother love you so if you get any free time if you could send a quick shout-out to Marilyn and Paul that would be pretty great." Not 4 hours later, I had a message from him in my inbox saying "Hello to Marilyn and Paul, just a shout-out from Creed--The Office". Which was very cool of him, and my mom and brother are gonna be very excited. (And to all the critics,

Knives in my Eyes

I'm not angry or anything, I just really like that phrase (thank you, Brick ). Ho hum, what to say, what to say. I guess I'll quickly go through my holiday season: First of all, Sue's birthday was a blast, as always. I think last year was more fun than this year though, only because I took a ton of pictures last year and my cousin wasn't acting all creepy with me last year. BUT I did have to see a crazy girl covered in throw up and my good friend passed out in a shower last year and this year I didn't, plus it was a black and white party, and I would wear black and white all the time if I could. Joe has a cute pic up on myspace that I may steal because I have few good ones of that night: Case in Point (sorry guys) It seems like Joe and I have the exact same eyes in this pic