
Showing posts from December, 2006

Christmas Songs

Last year I told everyone that I loved a few Christmas songs. Now, this year, I've been listening to Christmas songs on the radio at work while I score records. Some of these songs are SO FUCKING annoying. Here are the worst (in my opinion): 5: All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth by Spike Jones and His City Slickers. ONLY because the guy singing that song sounds like the perverted old man from Family Guy, pretty much exactly. And that guy scares me. 4: Last Christmas by Wham. It sounds nothing like a Christmas song should sound like. At least to me. Blah. 3: Little St. Nick by the Beach Boys. I know there are some people out there who swear by the Beach Boys, but I really don't get into the whole falsetto singing thing. I hate the Bee Gee's as well. Plus this song sounds exactly like all of their other songs. 2: A Wonderful Christmas Time by Paul McCartney. This entire song rubs me the wrong way, from the weird synthesizer-sounding beginning, to the


When I said "Sue and Joe aren't there yet" I meant that they go out more than I do, and nothing more. I did not mean that they are juvenile or that they are not planning for the future (that was just poor wording on my part). Joe actually just bought a house, which is awesome, and very future-planny, so I'm sorry if anyone got the wrong impression. The point I was trying to make is that I don't feel as connected to them as I used to, and it makes me feel bad. PS: Joe and Sue check your email

Take a Mountain Turn it into a Mole

I have a few unimportant things to say. It looks like I've joined the ranks of my friends in not writing at regular intervals. Well it IS winter and prime Christmas shopping season, so most of my free time gets devoted to presents and plans and whatnot. But I still have things to say, so this blog is not even close to being dead. 1: I got to see Doug for the first time in about a year. Yay! Doug is always interesting and funny, and for some reason all these random actors remind me of him. I had drinks (or A drink) with him and a friend of his, and we talked for awhile. I wish he still lived in Rochester, the world would just be more fun. 2: I heard on E! (I only watch that channel whilst crocheting scarves for various family members) that actresses are dying their hair darker because it's the cool thing to do now to have dark hair and light eyes. Well I just want to remind everyone that I have dark hair and green eyes. NATURALLY. Take that, Lindsay Lohan. 3: Speaki