
Showing posts from November, 2006

When You're Strange Faces Come Out of the Rain

So about 2 weeks ago now, I traveled with the boyfriend to D.C. to visit Angie, who I haven't seen in about a year and a half and I hadn't visited in D.C. in about 2 years. That's much to long to wait to see her, methinks, but that's what happens when people grow up I suppose. Our plane tickets were only 88 dollars a piece, which was awesome, and since they were so cheap we had to work to actually GET to Angie, taking an airport shuttle and an Amtrack train to where she lives on Capital Hill. But that was fine, since Mike and I both had our DS Lite's and I am a KICK ASS Mario Kart player. We got to Angie's on saturday at about 5pm. We hung around with her and Julie (her roommate) for awhile, and then went out to dinner at Thai Chef, which made me become even more obsessed with sushi. Mike kept giving me pieces of sushi to try, first the easy stuff, tuna, (I loooove Toro) then some odd mixture of tuna, yellow tail, and caviar. That was edible, but it freaked


I owe everyone a blog post about my D.C. trip and I will get to that, I swear. I've been working my ass off lately (12 hrs on friday, 16 yesterday) and will get some free time this coming week to blog a bit. As of right now, I'll say to whomever can actually find a Wii, get one NOW. It is the most fun thing evaaaaaaar. I just played tennis, golf, and swung cows around for an hour. Literally, me, doing that stuff. Motion sensors are amazing. So is my boyfriend, who plunked down 450 bucks for the system, 2 controllers, and 2 games. Okay more later.

My Celebrity Look-Alikes

I really have my doubts about this thing...especially since Anna Clumpsky isn't included : )

Your Periodic Glimpse Into My Mind

I don't write much about what I'm thinking or doing in my life anymore, mostly because I don't have much time, but also because it seems boring in this ADD world of today. But I have a few interesting things to talk about, so I guess it's worth it. I got to play with snakes the other day. It was just as much fun as I thought it would be. I happen to love just about any animal/reptile/fish that exists. (well those deep ocean dwellers are just scary). So Mike and I went to Smike (the head of Mike's improv troupe) and his wife's house for dinner last week, and they breed snakes. They have about 20 of them right now, they just sold a bunch. So of course I was excited to play with them. The first one that his wife gave me to hold was a python that was asleep. It was boring. It just kept sleeping and didn't move, so she gave me a more playful one. It was called a Children's python. (the pictures aren't mine, they're the closest thing the web can give m