
Showing posts from July, 2005

writing for writing's sake

I think I have problems with guilt (I swear I complain about a new pyschological problem every month). But sometimes I feel like my conscience is in overdrive. I blame it on my mother's scheme to get me to be a better person in 7th grade. That year was a year I was not proud of. When I was 12 I started drinking, smoking, smoking pot, stealing, lying, kissing boys, etc. Most of the stuff still to this day doesn't really bother me. Drinking, smoking, kissing, who cares. But stealing and you'll never see me steal something (other than things I know that nobody wants/needs) and I always tell people, I DON'T LIE. I don't. I hate lying, so much. In other people, and myself. So anyway when I was younger I stole everything I could get my hands on. I stole cigarettes and makeup from stores, I stole alcohol from people's houses, and I stole money from my parents and sometimes others. That is the part I am most ashamed of. I started by taking ones

so long, farewell

Goodbye my dear friend Catharine, I hope everything goes well for you in Chicago, and I really will try to come see you, I may have 2 of my other really good friends living there as well, so there's a good chance it will happen. Keep doing your artwork, because it is amazing. Really. I will miss your sarcasm and bold up front statements, and talking to you about sex. And don't hate my boyfriend! Lol. GOOD LUCK!! And another goodbye to Erin, whom I didn't get to know as well as Catharine, but who I can tell is an awesome person. I admire you, Erin, I really do. I'll miss our overnights together and us trying to pick up the same guys in Philly (Lenny Kravitz guy mmmmm). I would say I would come visit you in Kansas but....c'mon it's Kansas. Well good luck regardless, and if you're ever around when I need medical help, I'll turn to you!

More randomness!!

Since it is quite easy for me to post pics now, I will show you some that I like: my brother being the nature freak that he is Erica being artistic...thank you to Sara Perkin's house What happens at Erica's parties pt. 1 What happens at Erica's parties pt. 2 what happens at Erica's parties pt. 3 Erica being artistic again (a hawk's egg at my parents' house) my grandmother my mother my cousin Jay, me, and my cousin Lauren my puppy (who is like 6 years old now) my other puppy boyfriend my baby brother (at least to me)


I am working a different shift now. It's okay, different = harder at first but I'm getting used to it a lot more now and I don't have to go to sleep at 10 am anymore. Of course I can't keep my blog up very well either, since all my time at home is spent playing Kingdom Hearts or reading. computer is really dying I think. I know I've cried wolf a million times about my dying computer but it doesn't seem to be getting out of its funk, and it has a computer expert working on it every day. I guess 5 year old laptops will do that. Andrew has a new car (and I mean new, only 20,000 miles). This was, in part, thanks to me, so he is now indebted to me for life MUHAHAHA. (j/k buddy) It'll be nice for him to have a car that's not trying to kill him all the time though. My stalker has stopped stalking me. I figure that either he read this and knows how much I hate him, he got bored with me not answering my phone and stopped calling, or he forgot that he ev

Uhh...a little late (with pics!)

but I promised, so..... Highlights from Vegas!: Sunday --the longest flight I've taken yet, with a really pretty view of Lake Mead --seeing Slot Machines EVERYWHERE, even in the Las Vegas Airport. --being on the 19th floor of our hotel and able to see the Bellagio Fountains across the street --people watching from the balcony at Margaritaville Monday --seeing penguins and flamingos near our hotel's pools (our hotel was "The Flamingo") --getting my first dose of Vegas dry heat down at the pool --Caesar's Palace --actually going TO the Bellagio to see a water show (amazing) --getting drunk on the streets of Imperial Palace and listening/dancing to karaoke --getting handed cards with scantily clad hookers on them by some nice Mexican men (and a woman), at which point I decided to collect them and give the collection to Andrew (I think I eventually gathered about 50 different ones) Tuesday --going to "Old Vegas" where the famous cowboy guy is --going to a St


I really hate those kind of people who don't really know you, yet they won't leave you alone after the first time they meet you. Usually it's some creepy guy, desperate for a pretty lady. Yeah. He is my neighbor. His name is Ron. He is a middle aged black man who looks like he's on crack. When I first talked to him, to be nice, I gave him my phone number in case we were too loud in our apt (Andrew plays games REALLY loudly) and this was only after he gave me his number and his card. (He's a producer for channel 10) Well he tried to give me a bottle of wine, he has called me almost every day for a week now, sometimes twice a day, and tonight I saw him walking by our den windows about three times. I don't answer my phone when he calls but I swear to god if he knocks on our door when I'm here I'm gonna tell him off and if he doesn't stop I'm getting the police involved. IT IS ANNOYING AS HELL. In other news, I am waiting until I have ample opportuni

Back Again

I'm back from Las Vegas , aka The City of Sin. I didn't do anything to jeopardize my current relationship (I went sans Andrew) I got a nice tan I got to see strippers, pussycat dolls, and Willa Ford I turned into a compulsive gambler I got to feel 107 degree weather I am still waiting for my luggage, along with the 12 others in our party I don't think I'll ever fly US Air again I will give more details (and possibly pics) later