
Showing posts from May, 2005

Hooray for Genetics!

Because I find all things genetic to be fascinating (I get it from my mom...hahaa get it? But seriously I do) I dedicate this post to the genetics of eye color. The subject in the lab this morning and I were talking as I was taking her electrodes off, and I commented on how much I liked her hair (no, I'm not a weirdo, she had awesome hair). I told her that I used to have black hair and blue eyes but now I have brown hair and green eyes, so we started talking about the genetics of eye color. She is hispanic and her entire extended family has brown eyes, so she was saying how she would never have a child with light eyes. Me, being curious about genetics in general and eye color as well, decided to use the trusty computer to see what info I could find. Well....apparently the whole green/blue is recessive, brown is dominant standby works, but not really. It's very complicated. Apparently we have these two chromosomes, numbers 15 and 19. On 15 there is a brown allele and a bl

more blathering about movies

I know what you're thinking, "Does Erica ever STOP talking about movies?" and the answer is "Shut the fuck up, this is my blog and I can talk about what I want." So that being said, I saw Crash last night and Revenge of the Sith tonight. I have things to say about both: Crash This is a new film (as opposed to the same-titled film with James Spader getting turned on by car crashes). It got good buzz and on Howard Stern Roeper said it was his favorite film of the year so far. Sooooo I had to go check it out and pull Andrew along. Good film overall, I was happy with the way it was done. There were many characters in the film, with interlocking storylines all dealing with racism. With the characters interacting with each other so frequently without planning to, I think makes the movie seem a little fake for some. But if you overlook that aspect, you can see how society molds our values and opinions and even unconscious cognitive thinking patterns, and how everyon


If you click on where I posted the link to my movie test, and you click on my SN for the site on the side ("addictedtotests") you can scroll down all the info that I neglected to supply and see all the tests I've taken. I have a serious problem. I think I took like 10 tests in the past hour. I can't stop. I don't want to stop. Wtf. On a funny note....I took a test that was called the "what horrible stereotype are you?" test and got "Guido". Hahaha. Am I that transparently Italian? Probably.

The Last Party at Vassar St

How sad. I love parties. I'm like...90% extroverted or some shit like that so yeah, I love parties. At our new apt, scary landlord Linda would probably come banging on our door and shut us up real quick. However our current landlord, lazy pot smoking ass that he is, cares about nothing, hence last party for a long time (since I'm moving in 18 days). So the big day....I slept for most of the day because I worked the night before, then I woke up at 4:30. I took a shower, went to Wegmans with Angela, cleaned up a little, arranged food/drinks, got dressed, and waited. A few stragglers including Lindsey and my brother and his friends showed up early, the rest of the people showed up around 9:30 or later. I wish Joe and Sue could have come, but oh well, it was still fun. In all I believe we had about 30 people at the house. It wasn't as big as last year's Vassarfest, but I didn't expect it to be. (and nobody stole a computer this time) Some highlights: -me gettin

The Greatest Quiz Ever!

So I wanted to paste this fancy shmancy version of my quiz into my post, where whoever read this could just take the quiz right on this site, but apparently blogger has a problem with >script< which I think means javascript but I'm not quite sure about that. (Andrew? Any help?) Anyway it was freezing up every time I tried to do it, so I thought, eh fuck it I'll just direct them to the site itself. And if you do actually take the quiz, don't be surprised if you do poorly. It's pretty hard.

you are getting very sleeeeeepy

No, I'm not talking about me at work right now, (only because I just finished my vanilla capuchino and my leg is twitching like crazy). I am talking about the hypnotist I saw at Comix Cafe tonight. And no, he didn't say those cliched words. Hypnotists for me now are like Santa Claus or my job. The magic is gone. They have been exposed for what they really are, hype. I used to go to the hypnotist at my college every year and laugh my ass off at those crazy kids who clucked like chickens and danced around the stage because I was like "haha they don't know what they're doing, this is so great". Mmm no. I will tell all of you that are not in-the-know a little secret. I bet less than 1 out of 10 people really get hypnotized at these shows. Most are acting the entire time. In college I thought that the show was so cool that I made sure I got picked to go up on stage and be in the show. I sat up there and tried really hard to go "under". Since I am easily s

Online quiz fanatic

I've been taking an average of about 10 online quizzes a day at (no, I'm not using the matchmaking service) and I figured since I seem to be so obsessed with them, why don't I make my own? So I'm in the process of making a damn fine movie trivia quiz. I've done 10 questions, have 15-20 to go. I'll update when it's online and ready to be taken. My last party ever for awhile is coming up (the 21st) so any of you who haven't gotten back to me about attending, you better do it soon!

The Food Service Industry

The past few nights here at work, I have been reading a blog. This is just a random blog posted on the "blogs of note" part of the blogger main page, and I click on blogs that seem interesting from time to time. This blog included the word "rant" so I thought it would have a good chance of keeping my interest. It did. I am now oddly obsessed with this person's blog. It is extremely well written, the vocabulary better than some novels I've read, and sooo interesting. It's this 30-something year old guy living in NYC and working as a waiter in an upscale Tuscan Bistro. He writes about his experiences at the restaurant. It's addicting I swear. If you are looking for a funny blog to read, where stories about stupid people abound, please go here: . And because this man's blog made me think back to my experience in food service, you lucky readers will get the top five most memorable things of my 6 year stint working at Port&

and another one

English Genius You scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 80% Expert! You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go! Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it! My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 31% on Beginner You scored higher than 63% on Intermediate You scored higher than 56% on Advanced You scored higher than 81% on Expert

proof that I'm not a lesbian...well mostly

Some what gay Congratulations! You scored 35% You aren't gay but you have considered it and maybe even had a fantasy or two about it. Chances are it's just a stage or normal human curiosity, although you know what they say...curiosity gave the cat great pleasure!

What to do, what to do....

Things are a bit hectic with my job lately. Although I like it and people seem to like me, others are leaving and I'm not sure whether I should jump on the bandwagon and look for another job or stick it out until this rough patch is over. I will tell you one thing, these overnights are starting to get to me. There is no way I could work overnights for even 2 more years. Maybe 1 more year at the most. I just saw a job with a generic title including the word "technologist" so I looked at it. It was a job recording the behavior of primates!! How awesome would that be?! So I really am wanting to email this lady and ask what the pay is for this seemingly awesome job where I get to play with monkeys all day, but what if I really don't want to leave here or what if I do go there and I smell like monkeys all the time and Andrew breaks up with me because of my monkey smell or what if I cry because they're all caged up and probably sad and ahhhhhh I don't know what to d

attraction and a small story

Okay so I've had gummi worms, a peanut butter cup, and an iced tea tonight. Sugar overload = Erica needing to be occupied at all times. I've already done all the interim work I can do before the subject wakes up, so this means I will do some more blogging. First the small story: Freshman year of college when all the little freshmen think it's cool to go to frat houses and party, I went to a frat house and partied. I was in a basement of a brick house on street or something when I heard a song. I thought to myself, I have to remember some words of this song because I like it and I'll want to download it later. (old school audiogalaxy style hell yeah) Of course I didn't really remember any words but I kept the overall tune in my head for when I heard it again so I could once again try to figure out what it was. (Keep in mind that I suck at music stuff, I'm much better with film) Last night I was driving to Andrew's house to hang out for awhile wh

An actual update

So I've kind of stopped writing sequentially about events, which I think is a good thing, but sometimes I just feel like it, so this is it: On saturday I went back to Geneva (once again) because there was another mass dedicated to my grandpa and a senior citizen dance the next day dedicated to him as well. So I thought I'd come home and take part in the grandpa-remembering activities. I get home just in time for mass. I sit through the droning priest and think about dinner (yes I am going to hell). After mass the eight family members that went to mass wanted to go to the Stone Cutter's for dinner (a new part of Bellhurst Castle) but they don't take reservations and there was a band that night so it was full and we were out of luck. I suggested we try the Red Brick Inn, which is actually a bar but the dinners there are really good. My family complained but we went there anyway and they ended up all loving the dinner and commending me for my choice. After dinner I hu

Lilies of the Imagination

Not really but this post is about my imagination and lilies so why not smush them together in the title. I have always had an active imagination. I won't say overactive because you can never really be sure how your imagination will measure up to somebody else's. However I know mine was active because when I was little I did a whole host of random activities that I look back on and think....umm wtf? I used to force my 3-years-younger than me brother to play all these games that I would make up for us. I wrote them on a list and we had to play them. One was the hat game, where we piled hats onto our heads and had a contest to see who could put the most hats on without them falling off, one was "Hide He-Men" where we took turns hiding he-men action figures all over the play room and the living room and then looked for them. One was some non-named game where we pretended we were ninja turtles and went out into the fields around my house and fought imaginary villians with