
Showing posts from November, 2004

Holidays and more holidays

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone...I won't say happy turkey day because people (acchemcatharinedevlin) will get angry and say the day is for vegetarians too. And I don't want to offend anyone. Speaking of being offensive, the comments in my last posting got a little out of control, apparently there is a big disagreement over having responsibilities. Whatever I'm not getting into it, sorry if anyone was offended by the comments. So Thanksgiving came and went. I was looking forward to the time off of work, which was cool for a little while, but now here I am again, working another overnight. I have 3 more this week, so I'll probably post again soon, you lucky people you. For Thanksgiving I went to my grandma's and brought Andrew along. In the 2 days he stayed at my parent's house, he was taught a little bit about playing the piano and ping pong, he learned that the 3 house animals and dust that my mom is not on top of makes my house a deathtrap for hi

Strange....very strange

I am at work. I think it's gonna be a very odd night here. This is based on a few happenings of the night so far: As I was coming up the walkway to the entrance of psychiatry where I go into work, I see 2 cats. Who has ever just seen cats chillin outside of a hospital at 1 in the morning. Not me. So I say "hi kitty" to one of them, trying to be friendly, when it arches its back and runs away from me towards the other cat. They then start snuggling up to each other and meowing crazy like they're on crack. Strange. I walk in the door and go down the hall and someone's office has an alarm clock going off very loudly. Did this person plan on taking a nap in their office and forgot to turn off the alarm? And apparently the alarm was set for very late at night, otherwise security would have gotten to it already. Strange. So I come in and I go to see if anyone has commented on my blog, and after I type the address a page comes up (on multiple computers) saying:

Random Observations

1: I think my lips may grow large enough to take over the world. I really don't know what's going on with them but I feel like I have had collagen injections and it's really annoying. 2: Apparently it takes 2 days for "internal injuries" to heal. Sweeeet. 3: RPGs are fun to play, well at least Final Fantasy is. 4: My ass tends to grow and shrink on a month to month basis 5: I never get sick of Eminem's music, it actually gets better and better each time I hear a song 6: When talking about important things with a boyfriend, such as future plans, I tend to clam up and am not able to say anything that I want to say. I guess when it's going well I don't want to jinx anything?? I dont' know of another explanation for it. 7: Sometimes it's fun to do things just for the thrill, like write in your blog when your boss and all the important coworkers are in the next room and can see you at any time and get really mad. I better

Life...or something like it

"Have you ever thought about all of the choices that you have made that got you to the point you are at right now? Just worked your way back through your day, the week, the month, the year, your life? Pulling out those big decisions, those careless mistakes, those acts of charity that changed you. That time you got in trouble, that time you didn't get caught. That time you got angry, that time you cried, that time you spoke up, that time you kept quiet. That time you realized. That time you fell in love." "We all make choices in our life. Some of us like to put probability into how we choose. Some work out the actual chance and some just say everything is 50/50. Some of us believe in destiny. Some of us believe in free will. Everyone has their beliefs about what happens to them in their life. But we only learn half of the time and regret the other half." These aren't my words, but I read them in a livejournal I frequent and thought it was a good way o

Bush fucking sucks.

I know this is just my opinion and blah blah but c'mon America, I thought you knew better than this. He's a freaking idiot who can't separate church and state, and apparently now this war is gonna go on forever. Whatever. I hate politics anyway. So last night I had just rented "The Godfather Part II" with Andrew (I am forcing him to watch these films, and Goodfellas will come at a later date) Hey I love the Italian mafia movies and he's never seen them. I told him he could make me watch Scarface but I don't think he got the reference. That was such a tangent, but anyway so we were gonna watch this movie but Adam kept watching the election stuff so we had to wait, and in the mean time I thought I'd talk to Joe a little online. Well talking to Joe online turned into harrassing an ex and getting harrassed back, then getting an IM from a drunken Tim again (aforementioned in this blog at some previous date). The ex thing...well I'll explain