Playing Catch Up

Well you can blame Mike's book and my brother's book for me not writing more this year. I edited both of them in the last 6 months of the year. Apparently the red light that goes off in my head when I see bad grammar doesn't happen to everyone, and that means I'm a decent editor. My brother's book is a mostly-autobiographical account of his time living in Hawaii. It's primarily about living impulsively with little means in a totally new environment, and the beauty of nature. I thought it was great, but he IS my brother.

You can find the book here if you are interested: Vagrants In Paradise

So this year pretty much sucked for America. It was a good year for me, personally, until November 9th when I suddenly became very depressed about the future of humanity. I've been taking Trump's election one day at a time, and looking for silver linings where I can find them. They are few and far between, but I do look forward to 2020.

Also, celebrities have been dropping like flies this year. I heard that the baby boomer generation has finally reached the point where the higher population boom makes it look like there are a crazy amount of deaths, but it's just because there are more people in that age group. I'm not sure if I buy that explanation. Either way, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Anton Yelchin, and Gene Wilder died, and that's only listing people I feel a real affinity for. There was also Prince, Muhammad Ali, Carrie Fisher, George Michael, and tons more. Oddly, when I hear that a celebrity has died, I usually wonder if somehow all their money will get filtered down to us little folks and it will spread the wealth around more. Probably not, but I like to think that it happens. I'm not really affected by most celebrity deaths, since I don't know them personally, but for some reason when John Ritter died in like 2003 I became very depressed. I just watched Three's Company over and over. I still get unnaturally sad when I see him in something old, or if I see his son in something. I think watching Flight of Dragons over and over when I was young gave me an odd personal connection to him.  

You may notice that I'm not talking too much about my life these days. When I was a social butterfly, it made sense to talk about my fun times meeting interesting people, but since I had Simon I don't do much anymore. I did travel with some high school friends to Costa Rica in October, and that was really great. My high school friend Charles (he is in this blog a bunch, way back) is a world traveler, and I eat lunch with him regularly. One day he told me he was going to Costa Rica (again) with another high school friend of mine, Chris, and his wife. I told him I was jealous, he asked me if I wanted to join, and I decided on a whim to go. (After making sure Mike would be ok with watching Simon for 5 days.) I'm really glad I went. You can go hiking in the jungle, passing Capuchins, Howler monkeys, Toucans, Sloths, and lizards of all varieties, and parallel to you would be the ocean. More than once I stopped our walks to go jump in the 80 degree water. We stayed in a tiny town called Cahuita where there were mostly just locals hanging out, and we also traveled to a Sloth Sanctuary, Puerto Viejo, the country of Panama, and stayed in San Jose for a night. I really wish I could travel more, but it scratched my itch for the time being. 

So there, I didn't stop adventuring after all. I just slowed down a great deal. Life with Simon is amazing, but I'm not one of those moms that wants to be defined by my child. I've always been fiercely independent, and always will be. I have my hobbies and interests, and I have my mom life. I'm not just "a mom". And, to be honest, I don't think it's healthy when women ONLY focus on their children and leave no time for themselves. So I will rarely talk about him in here, since this is a self-serving blog about my thoughts on life. Not that I even really write, but whatever.

With that being said, for my yearly catch-up, here's a couple photos of Simon being cute. Oh, and try to stay sane in the wake of our new president elect. Happy New Year!   


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