
Well once again, I'm getting a post in just under the wire.

It's been about 8 months since I last posted, and that makes Simon 11 months old right now. I looked back at my last post, and many of the "bad" things have changed. We can go to restaurants now, and we can even bring Simon if it is appropriate! I don't have to run around like crazy trying to get things done, because Simon will sit and play by himself for awhile if I need to do something. Likewise, I can take my time eating again.

After about the 4-5 month mark, things got progressively easier. He learned to hold and play with objects, then to sit up, then to crawl, and now he stands (holding on to things). This makes him more and more independent. He has 8 teeth now, and eats most of what we eat, but in tiny pieces. He can wave, and clap, and say little words like mama, dada, baba, hey, and yay. He is tall for his age, but slim. He looks like Mike from the front and me from the side. He hugs and dances and yells when he wants attention. He HATES lying still for his diaper change. He loves to dive headfirst off our bed and pull the toilet paper off the roll.  All of that coupled with his general zany personality makes our baby quite fun!!

We've had some sleep issues with him over the past 8 months, though. He slept in his crib just fine from about 4-6 months. At 6 months he flipped out and refused to sleep in his crib. We finally realized it was because he had been falling asleep with me and then we were transferring him to the crib. After he acquired object permanence, he couldn't handle falling asleep somewhere and then being transferred somewhere else while he was sleeping. So we started a little cry-it-out-ing with him. I thought it would be worse, but it turned out ok. He was crying for up to 45 minutes at the beginning, but then it quickly went down to about 10 minutes, and now it's about 5. He's always been good about sleeping once he falls asleep. Now he sleeps for 10 hours straight! At that point he gets hungry so I nurse him and put him back to sleep in our bed for another hour or two. But I'm done nursing in a month, so we'll see how he sleeps in the morning at that point.

I've been working and watching him at the same time since April, but it gets difficult when he crawls over to my desk and just starts throwing everything off of it, including the mouse and keyboard. So he is off to day care for 2 days a week starting in February. I'm not great about bringing him to see other babies anyway, so this will be good for both his social skills and his immunities (although, not to brag or anything, but in 11 months he's only had 3 colds and 0 fevers). We even brought him to New York City with us in November to meet my coworkers, and he wouldn't sleep on the plane (of course), but he didn't cry at all, and he didn't get sick after touching everything on the subway! We can tell he is going to be a very sweet, outgoing, funny kid. And that is fine by us! Now if he will only fall asleep when he is supposed to...

I can't believe he is almost a year old! Here is a smattering of my favorite photos of our photogenic baby from the past year, from youngest to oldest:

Happy New Year!!


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