Gypsies No More

We have moved back to Rochester.  For good!

I know, it's a big sentence. I've been more or less a gypsy all my life.  Those would be my mother's words, but I find it to be true.  My youngest brother is the same way.  Actually, he is even more of a gypsy, because he lived homeless in Hawaii for 5 months. 

I've realized over the past couple of years or so that Mike and I really need to settle in a city and not move from there ever again.  It works for some people to relocate for their entire lives, but I get too attached to people.  When we first moved to NYC, I figured I would never make any lifelong friends, and I prepared myself to miss my Rochester friends and just "deal" with people in Brooklyn.  I'm not sure why I felt that way, maybe because I'd never lived in NYC and thought everyone was mean and/or selfish.  However, I found that, over time, I grew to love a select number of people.  There were a lot of people who defied logic in horrible ways, which is a large part of what that city is made of, but there were also a lot of amazing, wonderful people who I am missing more and more as time goes on.

Therefore, we cannot move again.  Rochester it is, and Rochester it will be.  I can't afford to be emotionally upheaved (not sure if that's a proper conjugation for that word but screw it) again. 

Our reasons for moving back were pretty simple.  Mike didn't find much acting work in NYC, all of the restaurant work was super difficult and stressful, and he missed many friends in Rochester. As for me, my job in Brooklyn was probably the most perfect job I ever could have wanted, but my family all lives up here.  And when we have a baby at some point in the future, it would kill my mom and dad not to be able to see us frequently.

So therefore, I've decided to try and keep the best of both worlds. I convinced my boss (one of the people whom I will miss most) to try and keep me on staff, and I will work for my Brooklyn job from Rochester.  It's about 90% likely to happen, but we need to wait until new equipment arrives in order to confirm with HR and all of that good stuff.  That won't be until August, so for the month of July I'll either grab a per diem job, or sit on my ass for a month for the first time since high school.

For the short term, Mike has been job hunting and doing P90x.  He's getting very good at both!  I've actually just gotten home from a 3 week long travel bender.  Actually for the first 2 weeks I was in Brooklyn, working and staying with my best friends.  I just got home yesterday from Minneapolis, where I attended another Sleep Conference. (I may have written about my other Minneapolis Conference in the past.) This one was a drunken orgy of food and fun, and a good note to leave on with some of the coworkers that I really enjoy. 

Our long term goals are for Mike to get a good job (almost accomplished already), for me to keep my current Brooklyn job (extremely likely), for us to be homeowners within a year or so, and for us to be parents within 2 years or so.  We are very excited to be acting all "grown up", but it's scary at the same time.  I try not to worry about things, so I'm just going to assume that everything will work out for the best.

That's pretty much all for us. I just thought I would do a quick catch-up of our lives at the moment.  Tune in next time for the biggest blog post (numerically and metaphorically) EVER!  It's my 500th blog post, and it'll be interesting, believe me.


rorytmeadows said…
The purpose of my message (this one) is to cause nothing more than nostalgic thought that some can deal with and others cannot. I cannot. Let's hope you can.

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