New York, New York

This city is a very interesting place, and not always in a good way. Most people I know who live here have a love/hate relationship with NYC. Let's list the pros and cons, shall we?

-Most streets smell, especially in Chinatown
-The street cleaning machine, although a great idea, gets shit in my eyes when I'm walking
-Crowded, crowded, crowded
-Many people do not speak English, nor do they care to speak English
-90% of retail/chain store employees are rude as hell
-It rains more than Seattle
-It rarely snows (this may just be my western new yorker opinion)
-Post Offices are slow as hell; I almost fainted while waiting to pick up a package one time
-Good luck finding your favorite chain restaurants (Arby's/Friendly's/Wendy's)
-Good luck finding inexpensive clothes or shoes that fit if you are shopping in Manhattan
-Can't keep windows open/blind-less in your apartment unless you're an exhibitionist
-Employers/fellow employees are mostly selfish
-Religious Jewish people act entitled (which is NOT true in other cities)
-If you have a car, insurance goes up immensely
-Also, if you have a car, there are a billion ways to get yourself expensive tickets
-Also, if you have a car, there is never parking (these reasons are why I didn't bring my car)
-Subway beggars are annoying and love to give guilt trips
-You have to look your best to go to Manhattan, because there are models everywhere
-Rent is outrageous
-Children rarely have grassy areas to play in near their residences
-You can't see the stars at night

Okay...end on a positive note, so here are the Pros:

-I make 10 dollars more per hour in this city doing less work than I did before
-If I get a craving for food at midnight, most anything I want is within walking distance
-Heat is included in rent
-90% of people I meet who grew up in NYC know another language
-If I can imagine an item (food or otherwise) that I want, NYC can provide it somewhere
-Technically I live on an island, which is pretty cool
-The ocean is very close
-Can't beat New Year's Eve in NYC
-Rats in the, this is not a con. I think they are adorable
-It is exceedingly easy to meet celebrities. I've met/seen about 25 since moving here
-You can stand on the street and watch a tv show/movie being filmed right in front of you
-You don't need a car, no more worrying about gas prices
-Street musicians
-Cheap flights
-Contrary to popular thought, it's a very safe city
-People are bluntly honest
-Central Park
-Accents...gotta love the New Yawk accents
-NYC Comicon (that one's probably just for fellow geeks)
-The clashing of cultures while still keeping values from the "Old Country" fascinates me

Well I just did these off the top of my head, and it looks like there are a couple more cons than pros. I grew up a country girl, and will probably always be a country girl at heart, but this city is fun for now :-)


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