Bill Pullman How I Love Thee

So I've mentioned in here before, multiple times, that my favorite romantic film of all time is While You Were Sleeping. More modern "romantic" movies like The Notebook leave me cold. I think that The Notebook is a piece of shit, personally. But it may just be my notion of romanticism. I love it when two people fall in love slowly as friends and then try to hide it from each other. It's kinda weird I guess but it works for me.

Anyway, While You Were Sleeping is that type of movie, and back in high school when I first saw it I fell in love with Bill Pullman. Most of you know him as the President in Independence Day, but I have always loved him for the above mentioned film.

So I went to Rochester/Buffalo/Geneva last weekend to hang out with friends and family whom I've been missing. On Sunday I went back to the Rochester airport to go back home, to Brooklyn. I was wandering around the extremely small food area looking for food, and I see someone wandering around doing pretty much the same thing as me. I literally do a double take when I see this person's face, and then decide to follow them to the next food stand.

So he's walking away from the food stand when I stop and say "Excuse Me?" He turns and I think "holy IS Bill Pullman." Immediately I say "You're...Bill Pullman." He says "yeah..." in his amazing raspy voice and I jump right in with "While You Were Sleeping is my favorite movie of all time and I fell in love with you in it." Whew. Didn't think I would actually say it? Yeah I went there. He says "Oh thanks!" and we proceed to talk about where he's from, where I'm living, if I like Brooklyn as opposed to upstate and what I do for a living (which he thought was cool). He was VERY nice.

I let him go his own way after our small conversation so as to not seem like a total stalker, but I fell in love with him all over again. Aaaand he's my father's age. But damn he still looks good.

Here's one of my favorite Bill scenes from the film:


Anonymous said…
Yeah yeah yeah ;-p

I happen to be YOUR age, Freudian!
Erica said…
Well technically you're a year older... :-)

Don't worry, I love you more!
john ok said…
wait you met bill pullman in rochester? why was he in rochester?
Erica said…
I'm not exactly sure why he was in town, but he had a guitar on his back. I didn't want to ask him too much about himself for fear that I would look like even more of a psycho. He's originally from upstate NY and his brother lives in Ithaca so maybe he was visiting him?
Sophia said…
He is from Hornell, NY and went to high school with my Dad

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