I love the Chinese. Especially directors like Kar Wai Wong who puts the same people into his films over and over again. I just rented 2046, which I'd been wanting to see for quite awhile. It stars Tony Leung, Ziyi Zhang, Li Gong, and Faye Wong. Tony Leung and Faye Wong are two of my absolute favorites, ever since I came across my love for Chungking Express, another Kar Wai Wong film.

This film is about a writer who is in love at one point in his past, but it slips away from him. He spends the rest of the film with different (extremely attractive) women, but none of them provide what he is looking for, because of his ideal from his past. So he makes up a story where you can travel on a certain train and go to a place called 2046 to re-live the memories you want. These androids (who just look like really hot women) take care of you, and it supposed to be the happiest place ever.

There's one point in the film where they describe an ancient Chinese saying that if you have a secret, you should go up to a mountain, and find a tree. Cut a hole in the tree and say the secret into the hole. Cover the hole with mud and the tree will keep your secret. I really like the idea of that. A tree will always hold a secret, it is more trustworthy than another person. But you still get that feeling that you're not alone in your secret, because something else knows it. Plus I like the idea of a tree alone on a mountain top. Maybe I'm crazy, but if I ever meet a tree alone on a mountain, I'm gonna try that.

My description of the film is weird, but it makes sense if you watch it. It is a beautiful film. Kar Wai Wong has excellent cinematography skills, and the use of color especially is amazing. I also love his voice-over conversation from the main character throughout the film. He did that with Chungking as well, and it makes you feel very at home with the main character.

Well I shouldn't prattle on here, but I thought that film was a good find on my part and wanted to share it. I also watched a French film called The Piano Teacher that was interesting in a completely different way. I won't describe it here, but think Secretary without the love and with a really crazy mother.

PS: I played piano for 3 hours straight last night so I could record songs for my mother today...I got 28 songs recorded and already had 12. She better be happy because my fingers are not.

Here's a trailer for 2046:


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