I Felt the Flaming Arrow of the Hunter's Kiss

Picture time (and there are a lot of them)! I'll put captions on some, but I don't feel like telling the long stories of the trip. The wedding in Long Beach was great, the San Diego Zoo was great, the sandcastle making outside our beach house was great, and the rest was just...the rest. I wouldn't recommend cramming 8 people (4 couples) on one floor of a house. I still love California though!

The view the first night we were in Long Beach

Mmmm Jamba Juice

Mmmmm shots of wheat grass

Mmmm organ juices...?

Mike's head looking suspiciously photo-shop like in front of the Queen Mary

Ah, corny couple pictures...more corny pictures to follow:

So the tire spikes had pierced their feet, see? And they're suitably upset? Well...

I was trying to be a good actress, but I had no help from my partners. So we tried again:

And apparently I'm still in horrendous pain while they're...being tickled?

After our feet shenanigans we went to dinner at a cute greek place

Wine tasting in Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara countryside

Anyone obsessed with Sideways? Not Mike and I, but we were at the famous "Hitching Post"

A mama panda at the San Diego Zoo

And her baby!

Baby and mama together

They look like they like each other

Golden Compass?

Zebra horse things?

This little guy was actually clapping right before we took this

With his...mother?

Chillin, eatin leaves

These guys were crazy

Cool snake!


Meerkats with people!

A bear eating some giant bone

Our version of "The Real World"

The bride and groom dancing at the wedding

Me and Olivia after dancing...a LOT.

The bride kissing the groom's foot (she lost a bet)

Our awesome sand castle, complete with drawbridge, side stairs, back entrance, serf housing, and crops

Mike showing off

We are dancing fools, maybe because it's January and we're on a beach

Aaaand the Arrested Development chicken dance. That's a whole other story....


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