Some Things You May Not Know About Me

1: I have never, in my life, liked any type of pop/soda. I have tried pepsi and mountain dew on occasion where there is absolutely nothing else available. I have never tried coke, (except sips of friends alcoholic drinks) Dr. Pepper, 7up, Sprite, or whatever the hell else they have out there.

2: Along those same lines, I've never made coffee. I rarely drink coffee (I've probably had about 3 cups in my life) but I do enjoy some kind of coffee type mixture from Starbucks from time to time. If you're wondering where I get my caffeine from, I prefer tea (green--black makes me nuts).

3: I heart porn. Probably too much.

4: I can completely invert my feet. You know like dancers have that out-step or whatever the fuck it is. My feet can't go that way at all, but I can put both of them in and then walk with them at complete right angles to my legs. It's gross and disturbing, but I'll show you if I see you!

5: I've never had a nosebleed. Ever.

6: I can do a front handspring. And a perfect cartwheel and roundoff. I can also do a handstand but I can't stay up for very long. My goal when I was younger was to be Michelle Pfeifer as catwoman in Batman Returns, but I never did learn the back handspring (too bad).

7: Since I've had people actively yell at me for "just recently liking video games", I will have everyone know that the first item that I saved up to buy when I was little was a Nintendo. Plain old Nintendo. I was seven, and I was gaming ever since.

8: My dad was arrested when I was about 6. I won't say what it was for, but I will say that it's fun for a 6 year old to see police cars, helicopters and Humvees roll in behind the house.

9: I almost died when I was about 4. I was upstairs in my dad's room watching my mom hang clothes. I tried to wave to her from the window but somehow started falling out. My dad caught me, and cut his hands on some glass (I still don't know the logistics on that one, I'll have to ask). But present day, I'm deathly afraid of heights that aren't secure (like bridges and roof tops).

10: I've mentioned this before in this blog, but I'll mention it again because I can't think of anything else...some things I do only left handed. They're strange things like shoot basketballs, make ice cream cones, swim (left hand goes first, I only look left), drive, staple, hold umbrellas, etc. But all the really big things I do right handedly, like write and play sports. I think when I teach myself to do things, my left wants to try first, but I usually end up using my right side, because it's the more dextrous one. Which is probably why I suck at basketball.

The End.


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