
When I said "Sue and Joe aren't there yet" I meant that they go out more than I do, and nothing more. I did not mean that they are juvenile or that they are not planning for the future (that was just poor wording on my part). Joe actually just bought a house, which is awesome, and very future-planny, so I'm sorry if anyone got the wrong impression. The point I was trying to make is that I don't feel as connected to them as I used to, and it makes me feel bad.

PS: Joe and Sue check your email


Joseph said…
i'm not mad, i just think you don't feel connected anymore because you never make an effort to hang out really. you're know.
Erica said… I explained in the email, it makes me physically sick to come to Geneva. So I'm sorry that you feel that I'm not making an effort. Whenever you want to come to Rochester, I welcome you with open arms, but I'm not sacrificing my sanity to hang out with you more than once a month, I'm sorry.
Joseph said…
last time i was in rochester, i remember wanting to go to the movies but you wanted to do something else that involved more than just you and i. i'm not going to come to rochester to share you and fight for your attention.

and please, stop with the entire "i'm sorry that you feel..." bullshit because that's a horrid thing to say.
Erica said…
JOE Jesus Christ why does this have to be about you all the time?? I said a thousand times I'm sorry I don't hang out with you as often, and I didn't want to see that fucking movie, it looked "horrid" to me and you told me you wanted to see it 2 seconds ahead of time. It doesn't have to be all about Mike all the time, can't you see I'm having issues? Or do you just not care?
Joseph said…
i just don't care.

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