
Yes Michael, I stole your precious word. Muhahaha. Sue me, go ahead, I dare ya. Blaorg is the word that Mike uses to signify when he is cranky or bitching about something in his blog. I am PMSing to the fullest extent this month, and this is my blaorg.

Things that are annoying me today:

1: My pager that won't stop beeping. It's like I'm supposed to answer these "pages". Pffft.

2: The fact that every time I take the laundry card off my dresser to do laundry, I lose it somewhere. And it always takes about 10 minutes to find it again. This time it was under my pile of clothes on the ground.

3a: People who fill the trash up to the fullest extent and then keep filling it so that it overflows. Nobody wants to clean up somebody elses' trash. Is it that difficult to take the fucking trash out when it's full.

3b: People who fill a large trash bag in about 2 days because they don't break down boxes. BREAK DOWN BOXES it makes it easier for everyone.

4: Stores that stop carrying my favorite items. WHY do stores keep selling things like "spam" or "pickled pigs feet" or whatever weird things stores sell all the time and they take away cool things like the fruit filled wheat square cereal or the iced tea/lemonade minute maid drink.

5: System errors that fuck up my paycheck so I'm minus 91 dollars this week. Oh you can believe I bitched about that one.

And since I like to end on a happy note, I will post pictures of this past Easter weekend at home. Enjoy.

Look at this beautiful Italian family.

And this is my new favorite thing, I don't know what it is, but it's growing outside of Strong. A flower/tree. Things that are combined are always cool.


Sophia said…
Wow, that is a really gonzo post!
Joseph said…
glad i don't remember any of those photos.

so so so glad i definitely don't remember the final two with me in them.


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