It's only 2:25?!

Well...I'm off of my two day high. I really think I have manic tendencies sometimes. So yeah, for the last few days I haven't been sleeping as much as I should, and I haven't been eating as much as I should. Yesterday this resulted in hilarity with Sue, and me cutting some face framing bang-thingies. Which I really wish I didn't do, because they're too short. (yes Sue, you were right) However I should realize by now that with me, if I have a day or two of hyperness, the next day will be spent just wanting to sleep.

Oh...and it's nobody's fault but my own that I didn't get enough sleep...for the record....

So, what is the point of these meandering sentences? No point, really. I was just told that I should write in my blog tonight, plus I want to make sure that this cappuccino actually gets into my system before I start scoring records, because that will REALLY put me to sleep. Ya know, if you stare at the word cappuccino for too long it starts to look funny, like it's spelled wrong but it isn't.

Okay it is now story time. Because I command it. And I'm trying to keep myself awake by typing. Dammit caffeine, you're disappointing me tonight.

So, story time. I complain about my job sometimes, but then things happen that makes it fun and awesome to be doing what I'm doing.

First off is that I work in a hospital, where there are people everywhere. And I love watching people. I love walking to the cafeteria, because it's all the way on the other side of the hospital, and I get to see all different kinds of people. (well except that one guy that always tells me I have a beautiful smile, because I have no fucking clue who he is and it's weird that he says that)

Anyway, it's always really interesting, especially AT the cafeteria, where I've apparently become such a regular that my big black buddy that works the hot line feels as if he can call me "hun" now. (we go way when he worked at the grill)

And just the other day I found a secret stash of food service! It was noon lunch hour, the place was hopping, but then I see this pasta station, where they cook up the stuff you want right in front of you, you can order any kind of pasta, any kind of sauce, toppings, etc. There was basically no line, and the girl working it was really nice. I got behind this doctor guy that looked like he could probably perform open heart surgery on me (very pretentious looking) but he was so nice and kept talking to me about what he should get on his pasta. He was worried about the pesto sauce but I told him to go for it. Then I promptly ordered alfredo with mushrooms and chicken and he was like "yeah I could eat that to when I was your age and size" So long story short, I made friends with some old doctor guy in the pasta line that I found tucked away like it was made just for me. Well I guess technically me AND the doctor. But whatever.

Secondly, I love how charismatic Michael is. He may be an ass sometimes, and a pervert all the time, but he really knows how to talk to a crowd. I went to his "Grand Rounds" the other day, which is where Strong invites a staff member to speak for an hour about something they're interested in. I've gone to one from the chair of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, and the mayor has attended some of these things. So they're pretty cool and important. Anyway Michael did his on wednesday morning, after I had to listen to it all tuesday night because everyone else skipped out on his run-through, so I just ended up hearing things twice.

So there were at least 50 people at this talk on wednesday, probably more, I couldn't really tell. But he was just chattering away as usual, making jokes, sitting on the tables, picking out random staff members from our lab in the crowd and saying things about them, just smooth and relaxed. I mean, he does go all over doing this kind of stuff so I guess it's not hard for him, but I still think it's awesome. I really think it's so cool to just get up in front of a large number of people, do your thing, and not worry about it.

So after the talk Michael came back to the lab, asked me if I liked his talk, and told me he liked the flowers I brought in. (He didn't know I'd cleaned the entire lab as well but I guess that will just go under my job description like everything else) It really seems like we're getting along lately, and he doesn't just ignore me like he used to do. I like it.

And sorry Catharine (and Erin...and Barb....), for bringing Michael up in a positive way, so I'll say that yes, he can be a complete pompous ass when he wants to be and that does suck.

Holy shit I wrote that much? I guess the caffeine is kicking in. Ahhh Jesus the security guard just came in, that'll definitely wake you up too, random guys walking into the lab. Okay well time to go score I guess. Records, that is.


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