
I've never realized what a good (albeit dated) movie Reality Bites is. I'm really enjoying watching it since the people in it are more depressed than I am. *Sigh*

I've been kinda depressed for the past couple days, I'm not really sure why. I just know that all I want to do is watch movies or read books or draw or play piano, and that's what I like to do when I'm sad about something.

I think I got it in my head yesterday that Andrew was going back to California and leaving me here by myself, and for some reason I can't get that out of my head. He's having a few problems with scheduling classes at RIT right now so really that was just a last resort, but just thinking about it makes me cry. I kind of talked to him about it last night and he said "that probably won't happen" but probably still means that it could.

Anyway I'm guessing that's my problem, it wouldn't even happen for a long time if it does AT ALL so I don't know why I'm going psychotic about it.

Okay just had to get that off my chest I guess. Back to Ethan and Winona.


Susan Osborne said…
I thought you were moving to Cali with him? you are confusing your readers...
Erica said…
I am...but the lease for the apartment is til June and I'm taking a big polysomnography test in December. Soooo I absolutely have to be here til I'd say January and unless I want to sublet which is probably highly annoying, I have to be here til June

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