A second attempt

I really hate it when my computer decides to erase everything I've written in here and because I wasn't technically on the internet at the time, it doesn't save anything. I could have used the "undo" button, however I didn't know the cool little control + Z shortcut and there was no other way to do it, so poof....gone. I will recreate as best I can.

Tim apparently wants me to write from inside me, my feelings, my thoughts, my wants, my needs, etc etc whatever. I don't think that's a good idea right now because, well, I mostly just think about work and Andrew because that's all I really do nowadays, go to work and hang out with him. I hate to be one of those girls that say they will hang out with their friends just as much when they get a boyfriend and then they don't at all, but...yeah, I guess that's how it is. I would love to hang out with my friends more but it's winter and most of them are at least an hour away, if not more. My car sucks and I have no motivation to organize a party or anything, so whatever. I mean if you really want to hear about how I think about how cute Andrew is when his eyes crinkle up or how sexy it is that he's a computer genius or how we went to apple.com last night and watched every preview on the page, then I can call you and tell you all about how in love I am. I think for now I'm gonna lay off of writing too much about it in here.

In other news, I think Blockbuster is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. You know how they took away all the late fees and they're acting like it's some great awesome thing? Well instead of the late fees, if you don't return a video after about a week they charge you for the ENTIRE MOVIE. Yeah that's a lot better, assholes, thanks for mentioning that fact in the commercial.

And I have a new favorite song. Blue October "Calling You." It's not a very new song, but I've only heard it recently for the first time on Andrew's laptop and I really like it, it's a really good song and I am now obsessed.

I've started exercising again. Sometimes I get in the "god no I am too fucking lazy to exercise" mode, and then on rare occasions I get in the "I want to look as buff as possible" mode. Well that's where I am right now, I don't know if it was Million Dollar Baby or just the fact that I feel like I am a blob that doesn't move, but I worked out yesterday and today and I am proud of myself. I'm kinda sore because I hadn't worked out for....umm a really long time before this but it's all for the best. It's really weird though that if I work out or dont' work out I never gain or lose a single pound. I really don't get it, I am 127 lbs, I was in high school, and I think I will always be. But anyway I think I'll keep the workout up so I can look good for spring when I'll get to wear less clothes.

I don't mention my online Texas Hold 'Em obsession too often in here (or barely at all) but I really like to play it. I don't even get to play too often but I think I'm pretty good....well pretty good at betting fake money. Something tells me that if I start playing for real money that I won't be so good, but we'll see about that. Anyway you start off with 2000 fake dollars and you can get extra money if you go down too low but I only had to get the extra money once, and I'm up to 10,300 fake dollars now. I want to start playing for real money but I think you have to deposit 30 dollars to do that and I'm not all about that right now. Andrew's friend plays for real money and he's won over 1,500 dollars. So awesome.

Okay well I think that is the extent of my bloggings for the night. I'm really craving pineapples and it so happens I have a can of them with me so I think maybe I'm gonna go eat them. Yeah weird whatever. Okay bye.


rorytmeadows said…
i'm sure that you have more within your heart and once you learn how to tap it, you will be open and relieved more than you ever have been

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