I am so bored that I will write in this 2 days after writing in it before, which is rare with me.

I am at the lab, of course, and when I got here the 4 girls on duty were all going crazy about our subject for the night. Apparently he is a 26 year old personal trainer with great abs...can't wait til he wakes up. Then they all left and now it's me and Erin just sitting here. Usually there's more than one subject at a time but we're having trouble finding insomniacs.

*PLUG FOR THE LAB*: If you have insomnia and would like extra spending money (about 500 bucks) please come and visit the U of R sleep research lab. We NEED subjects. Don't bother if you don't meet this criteria: takes more than 10 minutes to fall asleep, up for more than an hour during the night, and get less than 6 hours of sleep a night. And no histories of depression or possibilities of pregnancy. If you've made it past this point, log on to www.sleeplessinrochester.com and we'll get back to you. THANKS.

Okay anyway, today was my roommate for all of college and starting sunday my housemate's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA! I came up to East View and we went the movies to see Shrek 2. I won't ruin anything I promise, but I have to say that it was really good and I am in love with a little orange cat. After that we (me, Angela, and Sara) went to Denny's and I got MORE ice cream. I think I'm addicted to ice cream, it's bad. After that it was time for work, so here I am. Our subject wakes up at 6:30 am though which is AWESOME because I'm on the schedule til 9 but I won't have to be here that long.

Oh going backwards a little...I will quickly discuss this past weekend, since in my rambling entry I didn't do much of it.

Well friday as we all know, I did not do anything but go to Bill's and watch tv. We had to eventually shut his window though b/c there were SO many Hobart people screaming outside. (He lives right above their favorite bar, Parkers) I was kinda happy I wasn't out b/c Hobart people tend to annoy me after awhile. Plus we got to watch the Sex Show with Sue Johannson, which is a quality show. There was also some awesome comedian on Comedy Central, dammit what was his name...maybe Damien something or other? I don't know but he was hilarious. I brought a movie over there but we didn't watch it...I also forgot it there, I hope I get it back at some point (I haven't talked to Bill since).

Saturday I went out downtown with Joe. It started out as a catastrophe, with random gay derogatory phrases being thrown around, which neither me nor Joe find very funny. So Joe was in a bad mood, I was getting there, but then we saw Joe's friend Greg. He hung out with us for the rest of the night and was being really cool and funny, so Joe cheered up, which made me cheer up. We went in Parkers for some reason and I saw Bill's really good friend Eric but I didn't see him. I finally saw him when we were leaving but he was surrounded by people, and since I had just left his house that morning I didn't bother saying hi to him.

We went to the Holiday after that and I got to talk to Rob Kirchousen, who I hadn't seen since Geneseo ended. I used to think he was kind of weird just because he didn't talk much, but he's a really good guy. We were talking for awhile and he was giving me apartment advice. He's pretty straightforward but nice at the same time. Apparently he's going to London for a month so I won't see him around again anytime soon.

After the Holiday we just left to go home. Greg wanted to hang out with Joe more but Joe had graduation the next morning in Ithaca so that was out. I just wanted to go home and sleep, which I did.

Well I guess I'm pretty caught up now....I really don't have much else to say. Oh yeah! I saw the film "Melvin Goes to Dinner" the other night...really good movie if you like movies about conversations about ghosts, religion, sex, relationships...etc. Bob Odenkirk and David Cross direct and even Jack Black has a minor role in it. Go rent it!


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