It's saturday evening...and I'm hoping I get to do something fun tonight. I like to go out at least one night out of every weekend, but my suitemates (besides Emily and Becky) never go out and aren't even on campus now anyway. Maybe Emily will come back tonight and want to drink. I think I just want to drink b/c I haven't in a long time (a long time being a few weeks...hello alcoholic) and it's nice out. Plus I did more than I thought I was gonna get done of my huge paper today and I want to celebrate.

Pat had a rugby tournament outside of Geneva today, and The Vikings were in it too, so my dad went with my brother. My mom said my dad talked to Pat and watched him play, but I haven't talked to Pat since he had to wake up rediculously early this morning, so I'm assuming he's asleep now. Asleep or of the two.

Well let's go back to where I left off last tuesday. Wednesday I was sooooo tired from multiple factors and I can never play piano or do well in Spanish class if I haven't had enough sleep. Of course I had a piano lesson and a spanish SPEECH. In piano I can get off the hook b/c I usually do pretty well and I always practice. She knows me well enough to know when I just can't play for the day and she doesn't really care. But spanish....first of all I didn't know my speech very well b/c I had a ton of other work to do that week, so I put it off. Second of all I got up there in front of everyone and took 5 hours to say one sentence. I remembered it all, but it took awhile to get it out of me. I KNOW I did better than a few other people did on theirs though. So I get done with it, and I go to sit down and nobody claps. Well my partner Doug clapped, but he was the only one. My class clapped for everyone else that gave theirs, even the horrible people. I was a little pissed about that, and talked about it to everyone all day after that.

That night, being wednesday, was my Pat night. He had skipped all his classes and wasn't feeling too well so I told him he could pick out any movie and we'd watch it and I'd pay for it. He picked out The Godfather 2, which is 180 minutes long. That's 3 hours for you math whizzes. I didn't care though, it was early and I'd wanted to see it again anyway. So I bought that and some twizzlers (which are my new obsession) and we watched the movie at his house.

Yesterday was an action packed day. I went to one of my classes and skipped the other one so I could go to my interview for the Sleep Research Lab. Pat said he would drive me there earlier on, so I went to his house after my class. He was taking a nap, so I woke him up and we left. Well we left at 2 and didn't get there til 3:30....and let's just say that it was in no way the driver's fault. I don't really feel like getting into it, but I just had really bad directions, that's all.

So we got there, and Dr. Perlis didn't care at all that I was a half hour late, which was really cool. He gave me a tour and had me meet the people that were working, and it all seemed really cool, but hard work. He basically told me that I had the "job" (since I'm not getting paid) and told me all this stuff I should do for it. And what REALLY scared me was that he told me how it works there. I go there for a year internship like I'm doing next year, then the next year, when I'm done with school, I go work there full time as a tech. The year after that I'm promoted to something else, and the year after that I go to graduate school. He seemed like a really cool guy, and even said that his hair looked just like Pat's when he was in college. I met Sara, the girl I'll be working most closely with, and then we left.

About half of the ride home was me crying. Pat was worried b/c he didn't know why I was crying, and thought it was b/c of our getting lost in rochester thing, which I'm sure actually was part of it. But I finally told him that I feel like now I have my whole life planned out for me. He was like "weren't you just saying last week how you don't know what you're gonna do after college?" which was a really good point. I guess I'm scared to have too many options or no options. But he also said that me working at the Sleep Lab doesn't necessarily mean I have to do all that stuff they said about working and graduate school. It seems like a stupid thing to have to tell me, like it's obvious, but it really made me feel better and I stopped crying.

Last night I didn't do anything too interesting, but something interesting happened to me. I had gone to Denny's for some ice cream with the girls. We were coming up the stairs to my dorm, and Angela was running up the stairs. This girl is usually the slowest walker in the world. So I said "Angela you're so weird, you walk unusually slow all the time, and now you run up the stairs" Right when I said that, there was a sudden huge pain in my back and I had trouble walking. The whole night and all today the side of my back has hurt so bad, and I needed to take tylenol. I had trouble turning over in bed last night, and I have to walk and sit the right way or else it'll kill. I just think it's really strange how it happened, and that I've never ever had back problems in my life. I think God is pissed at me for making fun of people. Hopefully it gets better soon, b/c it's really annoying.


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