You know what's interesting? The other day I was walking from Brodie where I work to lunch at the Union, and I was randomly thinking about freshman year and my INTD class. It was a great class and we all got along really well. I was thinking about how I went to the IB with some of the girls from the class, and how I don't really see them too often on campus anymore. I dont' know why I was thinking about this, it was out of nowhere. So I was walking and I opened a door and turned around to hold it open for the person behind me, and it was one of the girls from my INTD that I was good friends with. Then the very same day after lunch I was thinking about how I dropped one of my classes at the last minute last year, and I was wondering what the class did after I dropped it, b/c it was a really interesting class. (I only dropped it b/c there were no tests and I cant' handle classes with no tests) As I was thinking about this I passed the professor of that class. Okay so that stuff isn't TOO strange, but I seriously haven't thought about that stuff in like a year and the one time I do I see the people that I never see that are associated with it.

Hmm my boss is talking to me about making out a will in case she dies (she has cancer) and it's really weird so I'm gonna go.


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