
Showing posts from 2021


     So...the covid 19 pandemic is STILL happening, because people are dumb and the virus is stubborn. None of my immediate family have gotten it...yet. Well my mom, brother, and sister-in-law got it last December, right before Christmas, which was not ideal. My brother lost his taste and smell for like 5 months afterwards, but luckily they were all alright. The vaccine came out about a month after that. I came VERY close to catching it about a month ago, and I mean like I was breathing the same air as an infected (non-vaccinated) person for hours. But the Pfizer vaccine I got in April must be still active in my system because I was spared.       This is not what I wanted to talk about today, and it's still a depressing subject, with most people knowing at least one person who has died from covid at this point. Oddly my former best friend Becky died in September 2020, but from liver failure, not covid. Even though I hadn't seen her in person in years, I had been messaging with