
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Odd Coincidence of Numbers

Well this is embarrassing. I'm not sure I've ever gone THIS long without writing, and I was doing so well in recent years. My son has gone from wiggling, to crawling, to walking, to running, to climbing, to destroying, so it's been a bit hard to keep up. I'm going to try to do a couple different posts relatively soon, while I have a small window (for whatever reason). I will write about my life, but I want to make a fun post about numbers, to get away from all the baby posts as of late. My grandma Minnie is turning 95 tomorrow, and we had a surprise birthday party for her last weekend. This woman is like a celebrity to me. She birthed 6 children, 24 grandchildren, 44 great grandchildren, and 27 great-great grandchildren. She still tries new things all the time. She's been crocheting, playing piano, and playing card games for years, but in recent memory she has taken drawing classes, driven a 4 wheeler, gone kayaking, and I'm sure done other things that I didn&