
Showing posts from May, 2014

And Then There was Simon, Part II

I wanted to write a couple of posts about my son before Mother's Day, even though I don't yet feel like a mother. I know I gave birth to a tiny little boy back in January, and he's been by my side ever since, but I still don't feel like a mother. I think when he starts speaking in a few months, maybe that will be when it will really hit me. That was one thing I've learned since January. You don't automatically transition from non-parent to parent in one fell swoop. Here are some other things I've learned in just a few short months: After staring at a baby 24/7, adults start to look really strange. At one point I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "How do I look so OLD?" Suddenly I could see wrinkles on every face, and all of the adults I interacted with had HUGE features. Big heads, hands, etc. I kept asking Mike why he looked so tall to me. I never expected that to happen. Even people on TV looked old to me. Thankfully it's mostl