
Showing posts from 2012

The Deal with Kevin Spacey: Part 2

I figure I better finish this captivating cliff hanger before 2013, so I'm writing this just under the wire. Starting from the end of the previous blog entry, here we go: A little over a year ago now, my best friend Angie posted a link to my Facebook page of a trailer for Kevin Spacey in  Richard III . The thing is, this was not a movie, it was a stage play. And the even better thing is, he was performing at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music). Mike and I had already moved away from Brooklyn at that time, but I had gone to BAM before, and it happened to be a quick walk from our old neighborhood. That got me thinking that it would not be difficult to get there. I looked on the BAM website, and saw that tickets were affordable. Also, Bank of America members (which, regrettably, I am) got early access to tickets. I believe the tickets went on sale in early November 2011. I called BAM the minute the box office opened that day, and ordered 2 tickets for Mike and I to attend in February

The Deal with Kevin Spacey: Part 1

So my wonderful loving husband decided to throw me a 30th birthday party earlier this year. As a side note, I was 20 when I started this blog. I now have a 10 year old blog. Wow. Anyway, my birthday party was "Kevin Spacey themed". And booooy was it. It was amazing, and I've decided I want the internet to share in it. But first I think that the internet needs to know about the extent of my love for Kevin. If you know me well, you already know of my feelings on the Kevin subject. But I doubt you know the entire history. So I'm going to document my Kevin timeline, before my old brain forgets everything. It started when I was about 14 years old. This would be somewhere in 1996. My cousin Cory would stay overnight with us for a week or so during the summers. He lived in Buffalo, so I didn't see him too often, but we always got along when we did hang out. That particular summer, we were fond of staying up until 2 or 3 am and talking about movies. Movies have always

The Sound of Music

This will be a two part blog entry. If you are a friend who is reading, feel free to skip to the second part. I know I just did a blog about the emotional impact of actors. Now I'm starting to think that my love of emotionality (or authenticity, which may be a better term) extends to music. I am very picky about the music I like. But I think I have it narrowed down to three things that will make or break a song for me. 1: Beat, melody, or rhythm. (An aside: the word rhythm is a bitch to spell. I just learned how to spell it about 3 months ago, but I can really only spell it with a certain learned keystroke, as if I was playing piano. Normally I'm an amazing speller. I don't ever use spell check.) Ok so, getting back to the topic. I will like most songs that are performed in a minor key. I've always hated the major key, but maybe that goes hand in hand with my dark and twisted personality. I'm a sucker for string instruments, which sound wonderful in a minor key.