
Showing posts from December, 2011

Faux Facebook

I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to write loooooong blog posts every time I write in here. Most of the time it takes awhile to catch people up on my life, but I should write shorter entries now and then to limit the snooze factor. One of the reasons I haven't is because I write many of my shorter ramblings on my facebook page. But since I've been rambling way too much about strange things on facebook, I decided that I would say this here: I watched the new Captain America movie last night. It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. But, here's the thing: there were many young, hot bodied stars in it, and the only character that I was even remotely attracted to was Stanley Tucci's Dr. Erskine. I've been finding myself doing this lately. I'll watch a movie, and be attracted to the most random character. And I'm not sure when I stopped finding people my age attractive, but it seems to be an ongoing thing. Well, that's all fo