
Showing posts from January, 2011

And now...dun dun dun...the wedding post!

Finally! I figured I should do it before I forget the details.  Plus, we've been married for almost 7 months now.  There is no excuse for me not posting about it. So, as with some other postings, I'm just gonna go over the highlights of our whirlwind weekend that was June the 25th-June the 27th, of 2010.  Otherwise it is gonna be waaaay too long of a blog entry for anyone to handle.  And it will already be long as it is.  But I've included pictures to add spice to all the boring words! June 25th: -Rehearsal dinner! (And my brother's 25th birthday...he was good about sharing.) -This was the day that both Mike and I (and my mom) were rushing around like lunatics, trying to get everything done.  (Note to future brides: don't try to save money by having 50 people over to your childhood home, it is nerve wracking.) 11am: Mike arrives home from his Bachelor party consisting of kayaking/camping the night before. 1 1:30am-4pm: Mike and family are in Victor tryi