
Showing posts from 2011

Faux Facebook

I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to write loooooong blog posts every time I write in here. Most of the time it takes awhile to catch people up on my life, but I should write shorter entries now and then to limit the snooze factor. One of the reasons I haven't is because I write many of my shorter ramblings on my facebook page. But since I've been rambling way too much about strange things on facebook, I decided that I would say this here: I watched the new Captain America movie last night. It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. But, here's the thing: there were many young, hot bodied stars in it, and the only character that I was even remotely attracted to was Stanley Tucci's Dr. Erskine. I've been finding myself doing this lately. I'll watch a movie, and be attracted to the most random character. And I'm not sure when I stopped finding people my age attractive, but it seems to be an ongoing thing. Well, that's all fo

Spader, Subtlety, and Soul

I watched Sex, Lies, and Videotape again tonight for the first time in probably 10 years. And you must know by now how much I am completely obsessed with James Spader. (I just did a quick search of his name in my blog and found out that I've posted about him 6 times previously.) It's really a great movie. The entire movie is subtle, but emotional, and subtlety is something I love in a film.  It tells me that the movie treats its audience like emotionally intelligent people. I have a lot of different favorite movies, but they are all in different genres. Subtlety, to me, is most powerful in romantic films.  As I've said before here (3 times, to be exact), my two favorite romantic movies of all time are While You Were Sleeping , and Love Actually . And it's because the former and sections of the latter treat love as a subtle thing. There's no wailing and carrying on, like in Gone with the Wind , a movie that I can't for the life of me understand why p

Life, The Universe, and Everything

This will be my 500 th blog post, and possibly the most important (in my mind at least) thing I will ever write. About a year ago, I figured out the meaning of life. My meaning of life, that is.  And now, since this is my blog and I can do what I want, I will share it with you. As a disclaimer, I want to say that I grew up very Catholic. I went through the sacraments, 12 years of Catholic school, was an altar server, etc. I also have a Born-Again background due to my father’s side of the family and my mother’s recent conversion. I have since recounted both of these religions in favor of my own personal philosophies. My mother’s feelings on religion are actually a very sore subject with me. I love her with all of my heart, and I hope she is happy with the life she has chosen for herself, but I believe she is making things much more difficult than they could or should be. And maybe that's another reason I wanted to post this.  She won't let me explain to her how I feel

Gypsies No More

We have moved back to Rochester.  For good! I know, it's a big sentence. I've been more or less a gypsy all my life.  Those would be my mother's words, but I find it to be true.  My youngest brother is the same way.  Actually, he is even more of a gypsy, because he lived homeless in Hawaii for 5 months.  I've realized over the past couple of years or so that Mike and I really need to settle in a city and not move from there ever again.  It works for some people to relocate for their entire lives, but I get too attached to people.  When we first moved to NYC, I figured I would never make any lifelong friends, and I prepared myself to miss my Rochester friends and just "deal" with people in Brooklyn.  I'm not sure why I felt that way, maybe because I'd never lived in NYC and thought everyone was mean and/or selfish.  However, I found that, over time, I grew to love a select number of people.  There were a lot of people who defied logic in horrible wa

Viva Italia

On the heels of The Wedding Blog, and only 9 months after the actual trip, comes...The Honeymoon Blog!  Many people choose to go to a beach for their Honeymoon and just relax.  That sounded very nice, but it's been my dream since I was young to visit the land of (half of) my ancestors, and Mike is 100% Italiano, so he was down for a trip through Italy. We both had certain areas we wanted to visit, most of them being in the north.  So we flew into Milan, and took trains to Como, Venice, Florence, and Rome. I'll break this down like the last entry, due to issues of longness. (Also, FYI, we literally ate gelato every single day of our trip.) Lake Como -We are extremely tired from our layover in (extremely cold) Dublin, so after traveling from the Milan airport to the Milan train station, we wander around in our sleep deprived state, trying to figure out which train would take us to Como.  Since Como isn't a huge city, it isn't clearly stated on any of the tickets.  We