
Showing posts from May, 2010

Thoughts on Marriage

I wanted to write waaaay more often than this.  Wedding planning has sucked me into a black hole and I can't wait to get out of it.  Don't get me wrong, most of the process is fun, and I love getting packages in the mail every other day (just got the favors today, they are so cute), but I'll be a lot saner when this is all over.  Which is in...a month!  Ahhh!  Well, like 5 weeks.  But still.  I'll be married in 5 weeks.  Considering how many boyfriends/crushes this blog has gone through, it is a big accomplishment.  I'm completely content with marrying Mike, and wouldn't change it for a thing.  I never thought I would be one of those people who say "you will just know who the right person is"...but I guess I am.  I had major problems with commitment in the past, and I have apologized to all of my exes for that, but I do still feel badly.  None of them were bad people, they just weren't the right ones. So finally, most things are done.  We have