
Showing posts from February, 2010

Modern Times

Apparently I'm behind the times on this blog.  I used to change the page layout periodically as my moods changed (once I even had a color-changing layout), but I guess I haven't changed my layout in at least 3 years. So, in true zombie fashion, they are forcing me to change or they are turning against me.  This time, I'm not only changing my template, the whole system has changed.  I'm just warning people in case I do something wrong (I have limited technological capacity) and the site gets messed up. Here's hoping!   

Out of the Past

In honor of mine and Mike's 4 year anniversary (which occurred yesterday and was awesome), I will go into the past and dig up some interesting interactions of ours before we even knew each other. For context, I had a crush on Mike when we were both attending Geneseo.  It wasn't too intense due to the fact that I had a boyfriend for 2 years while I was there, and because I always thought Mike was way cooler than me, but every time he walked into the performing arts office where I worked, my heart would flutter a bit. Auspiciously, we sort of traveled in the same circles.  I had a friend named "Goo" who I've probably mentioned way back in this blog, who did films with Mike while at Geneseo.  So I knew about these films, and taped them off of "GSTV", our local college tv station.  Then I watched them, pretty much just for Mike, who looked adorable.  (And I do still own them, and he still looks adorable in them.) He didn't know me at all at this ti