
Showing posts from December, 2009

Night Musings and Playing Catch-up

I feel like I never post anymore because this blog is now linked to Facebook. I'm not sure why I would post less because of that, but after this post I may take away the linked aspect and see if I write more. Maybe I feel more free when I know my closest 211 friends are not going to be reading what I write. So, if you (for some reason) love to read about the mundane aspects of my life, make sure to bookmark my blog. Maybe I'll use this entry to catch readers (aka me in the future) up on my life, and the next will be devoted to what I love and hate about NYC. So my only female first cousin on my mother's side, Lauren, (random side note: I have 8 female first cousins and 11 male first cousins on my dad's side) got married in October. She married an Italian/Jewish doctor from Long Island whose family is a bit iffy but he is super nice. She's had a rough time these past couple of years, so I'm happy that her wedding went so well. She is basically my sister, si