
Showing posts from August, 2009

Two Can Keep a Secret If One of Them is Dead

Hey blog happen-upon-ers. Yes, it is I! The overlord of this blog. I have deigned to write in it again, after many months. It's funny, as a person (or perhaps as a woman), I'm not overly emotional. When people die, I usually think "ok now more space for everybody else". Before people start throwing bricks at me, I'm not some crazy psycho killer or anything, I usually only think that way about celebrities. When Michael Jackson died, I thought "hmm interesting" and that's about it. I have another entire blog entry about me having trouble telling people that I love them. Okay this is getting off topic quickly (I am highly caffeinated currently). My overall point was that with people I don't usually get emotional, but I will get emotional with animals or inanimate objects (mostly animals). I felt such supreme guilt when I stopped playing "Brain Age" for a month or so, that I've never gone back to it, for fear of Mr. Yamagachi