
Showing posts from February, 2009

NYC Comicon 2009

So I wanted to buy Mike and I tickets to NYC Comicon 2009 for our 3 year anniversary. I thought it would be a great treat for both of us. What I didn't realize was that I would enjoy it more than he would. Oh he had a great time, for the most part, but he was getting sick and didn't realize it, so he was a little crabbier with the crowds while I had my head in the clouds. Apparently there are 0 good youtube videos of the amazing time I experienced at NYC Comicon, so I am not posting a link with my title and you guys will have to judge based on my AMAZING (Zim voice) pictures. I'll run down the 3 days we were there with as little exposition as possible: Friday -We arrive there around 2pm: not too crowded! -We run around the main area looking for cool stuff/celebrities -Pictures pictures pictures (mostly of cool geeky costumes) -We run into Jimmie being suitably geeky -We only find a Donnie Darko 2 t shirt and an angry-ish Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) -We rush the Penny Arcad