
Showing posts from October, 2008

I Break Things With My Mind

Or maybe with my "aura". Either way, I am breaking things lately. There are just way too many coincidences. Consider the facts: It all started when Mike and I went to Vegas with Smike and Melinda. The day after we got back, my computer died a very weird death. I could sign into Windows, then the screen turned black with just a white mouse arrow and I couldn't do anything except move that arrow. Mike and I tried recovering it and it was no use, my little computer, as I knew it, was gone. So Mike reinstalled Windows for me. Now it works, but I'm afraid to download programs so I just go on the internet with it and have nothing on my desktop. I know, Macs are better, but it's a brand new computer!! Then, I was trying to watch a show on Mike's computer while mine was down, and somehow I temporarily broke his audio input box. He set everything up for me, and it was working fine, and as soon as I turned the volume up (carefully I may add), the box died. On

I Love You

I love you, readers. Actually I probably don't love some of you, because I don't know you! But I'm attempting to say that phrase more so I thought I would start here. Here is the deal. I had been working with wonderful people named Annie and Alfred, and we became friends. We really liked working together, and we did a kick ass job. And I got to learn a lot about South East Asian customs! (Annie = Bangladesh, Alfred = Pakistan) But our supervisor has temporarily shifted my schedule to the weekends, so I'll be working with other people. That's fine, I like working with those people also, but they're not my close buddies. The thing about the people down here is that they say what they mean and what they feel (most of them at least). Whenever we couldn't work together, Annie and Alfred would text me and tell me that they missed me and that they love working with me. This morning Annie said again to my face that she was gonna miss me. This is completely