
Showing posts from June, 2008

Conditions are Perfect

So we are firmly downstaters now. Without the accents. I WISH I could pull off that My Cousin Vinny accent, sigh. I still haven't started my new job, but when I do (tomorrow) I won't have nearly as much time as I do now so I'm gonna post a bunch of pictures from recent events. Yes folks, this is another picture blog (with some tv recommendations thrown in at the end). Let's get started with pictures of going away parties! Firstly, my mom had a party for me at her house in Geneva. She invited about a million of my family members, but the only pictures I will post are the people I am closest to. My best Geneva friends: My favorite girl cousins: And my family (grandparents on dad's side and grandma on mom's): Oh and my brother got the cutest husky puppy, so I have to post pictures of her: Mike and I had our own going away party the next weekend. Almost 40 people attended, and it went from 1pm-3am. Yeah. There was TONS of video game playing, eating, drinki

I <3 Brooklyn

So Mike and I now live in Brooklyn. It's been a whirlwind of adventures, like navigating through Manhattan and half of Brooklyn in a 17 foot U-Haul. So far we have had no time to do anything but unpack and try out different restaurants in the area. Oh yeah, and we found an actual mall, a rarity for NYC! I really like it so far, it's a cute neighborhood with lots of dogs and places to eat. And...Steve Buscemi. Though I have yet to see him. I'm sure I will post much more in the near future. I also need friends down here, so if you live in the City or Burroughs, feel free to contact me!