
Showing posts from March, 2008

Someone's getting married...

...and it's me! Mike proposed to me last Sunday, March 16th. Apparently he'd had the ring since January but wanted to wait until before I went to see my friends in Arizona (where I'm headed tomorrow). I could explain how he did it....or you can watch for yourselves in this convenient youtube clip. (I love how pretty much everything in my life has been recorded for posterity...ah growing up in the digital age) And yes, he did call me a bitch at the end. It was a joke, we were at an improv show! Actually it was very sweet, because my mom and brother and a bunch of my close friends were there. I really appreciated them being there for the big moment. Anyway, the wedding won't be for about 2 years, and no I have no other plans. I know who I want to be in it, but I've only told one of those people. I was sick monday and yesterday, so today is really the first day I'm getting around to getting the word out. And tomorrow I'll be in 80 degree weather enjoyi


If you are awesome, you will get that tv show reference. And if you need a clue, it's just a click away. Speaking of tv shows, I've started re-watching Buffy with Andrew, aka We should be currently watching more Buffy , but alas, he is stuck on some lame RPG type ninja thing. As I am re-watching the episodes, I do miss the show, but I don't feel that longing I get when I re-watch Angel . I'm not sure if it's the lack of closure Angel fans got, or if it was actually a better show than Buffy . I think about Fred and Wes and Gunn, and even Cordelia, and I just want them to be together again, before my very eyes. I think about Buffy and Xander and Willow, and I just remember them fondly, nothing more. Granted, there are some episodes of Buffy that blow 90% of Angel episodes out of the water (the silent episode/musical episode) so maybe my Angel quotient was just not filled yet when it was wrenched away fro