
Showing posts from February, 2008

It's Small Beyond Expectation!

Sorry for my slacker-ness lately. I've been dreading this upcoming 5 day long lab run, as it always takes a lot out of me. With one subject staying it's usually okay. With two, it gets a bit tricky. Especially with our new system of screwing Andrew and I over by making us work 15 hr shifts. Other than that, everything has been going well. Scott moved his shoulder yesterday, which is awesome! I think that, in time, (probably a LONG time), he'll get most of the movement in his body back. Which is pretty cool. I got a Passport the other day for the first time. I'm now excited to go traveling around to random countries. Too bad I look like I'm 18 in my picture because they made me not smile and put my hair behind my ears (who CARES what peoples ears look like??). Valentine's Day was pretty cool. We didn't actually celebrate VD, but our 2 yr anniversary instead, which happens to be the same day. I wore my awesome California dress (which I will include

I Felt the Flaming Arrow of the Hunter's Kiss

Picture time (and there are a lot of them)! I'll put captions on some, but I don't feel like telling the long stories of the trip. The wedding in Long Beach was great, the San Diego Zoo was great, the sandcastle making outside our beach house was great, and the rest was just...the rest. I wouldn't recommend cramming 8 people (4 couples) on one floor of a house. I still love California though! The view the first night we were in Long Beach Mmmm Jamba Juice Mmmmm shots of wheat grass Mmmm organ juices...? Mike's head looking suspiciously photo-shop like in front of the Queen Mary Ah, corny couple pictures...more corny pictures to follow: So the tire spikes had pierced their feet, see? And they're suitably upset? Well... I was trying to be a good actress, but I had no help from my partners. So we tried again: And apparently I'm still in horrendous pain while they're...being tickled? After our feet shenanigans we went to dinner at a cute greek place Wine