
Showing posts from February, 2007

What a Great Week

I've been having a super fun week, and now that it's almost over, I feel like I should blog about it in case it flutters away from my mind. Wednesday: There was a huge snowstorm, therefore nobody went into work, including me. It happened also to be Valentine's Day AND my year anniversary with Mike. So he and I slept in a bit, then opened presents. Mike got me the best chocolates I've ever tasted, and each one was a work of art unto itself. I have included a picture, if you guys happen to find these at Wegmans and have lots of spending money, GET THEM. I rarely even like chocolate, and I can't get enough of them: He also got me some beautiful roses (which are shown in the picture with my new piano) and one of my favorite films as a kid, Flight of the Navigator . Keith and I watched that movie like crazy, and it's great that it's out on DVD now. I got him a leather wine journal imported from France (but I believe it was made in Italy) and a bottle of

You Look at My Shoes, I'll Step On Your Head

I'll get to where that part comes in later.... So on saturday evening I went to Geneva to see Joe and my family. What I didn't realize when I was going there is how freaking busy it gets having split up parents. My dad called me on the way home and wanted me to go to his place and meet Cindy, his girlfriend, and then wanted me to see my grandpa that night AND the next day. *I*, on the other hand, wanted to go to the movies with Joe and my mom the next day, but my parents are at the point where they only talk about each other to make fun of each other or put each other down, and I don't even want to mention to one that I'm hanging out with the other one, because ultimately I'm always met with a roll of the eyes or a "pffft". So this weekend I managed to accomodate both people. I went and met Cindy, who is pretty much the complete physical opposite of my mom, but looks a lot like she could be one of my dad's sisters. She's definitely not better