
Showing posts from September, 2006

Hulk Smash!

I feel like I want to Hulk Smash everything sometimes. And it's weird, because I've never been an angry person. When I was younger I never got bothered by anything, and sometimes when I'd hold my anger in, I'd have dreams about beating people up or I'd wrestle with the neighbor boys (yes you heard me) and that got my aggression out safely. Now, it seems like I get so angry all the time. I'm pretty sure it's because of my family issues, which are bothering me on a deeper level than even I am willing to admit. I want to be mad at my mom, I want to hate her and yell at her for breaking our family up, but I can't. She's found God or whatever and I know she feels guilty as hell so I can't yell at her and hate her. That doesn't mean I don't want to though. So I'm trying to just pretend like I'm dealing with all of this like a normal, sane adult, but the trouble is that I've never had drama in my entire life, at least not with

My New Best Friend

Is Pam Beasley aka Jenna Fischer. I'm currently obsessed with her, and I'm not sure why. There is no sexual attraction or anything, I literally want to be her best friend. I found her page (her REAL page) on myspace and it's so cute, she acts like she's not famous or anything. Her tagline is "Best Emmy's Ever!" and she's got most of her costars in her top 8, many of whom have her as their number one friend, prooving that she's awesome. So as you can probably guess, I've been watching a bit of The Office lately. Season 2 just came out, and I'm watching every bonus feature that exists on the 4 dvds. I'm almost on the Blooper Reel, which I'm very excited about. If you watch the commentaries for the episodes, they all act like they're such good friends in real life, especially Jenna and John (who plays Jim) and I find it to be the cutest thing ever. This butting-into-actors-lives thing is not new to me. Since I was in 8

It's 11:11, make a wish.

No matter what time this website says this was posted, I started at exactly 11:11. I've been very contemplative today, not in a bad mood or socially anxious (I'm wary of using the term "antisocial" the wrong way after going to school for psyc) but just very...zen. The only thing that riled me up a bit, but still made me think, was something that happened at work right at the end of the day today. It was about 5:20, and Sara and I were just about set to leave. I get an internal call, so I figure it's a wrong number or something (I get at least 3 wrong number calls a day and always one of them thinks I can just forward their call to whoever the fuck doctor they want to talk to). So I answer the phone, and it's this guy. He first tells me that he is a former employee, then asks for Michael. Upon learning that Michael had left for the day, he asks if there are any runs tonight. I have no idea what this guy could want, so I'm very confused until all of a s