
Showing posts from February, 2004
Well it's 1:30 in the morning on a thursday night, but I thought I better post something now or else it'll never get done. Plus Joe and Pat are harrassing me about it so I should do it before they kill me. Well my last posting was a bit dramatic, but I was in a dramatic mood. I'm over that somewhat, I've talked to Pat about some stuff, but I talked to one of his best friends, Tim Hanley, tonight and he was totally agreeing with me about the surprises = romance thing. I was like "YES" someone understands!! I'm all about the surprises thing so I think I'll talk to Pat about that sometime soon, unless I forget and he reads this, which usually happens. Anyway going back to last week, wednesday night we had a broomball game, which we tied. Our record is now 2-0-1. Not too bad for a competetive league. My dad came to the game also, which was cool of him. I swear that guy would do anything I asked him to do. So after saying goodbye to m
You know how some people put song lyrics into their blogs/livejournals? (acchhem Well I'm gonna do that with movie quotes, because I'm more of a movie person than a song person anyway. The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you That's a Bill Murray line from Lost in Translation, and I think it applies to a lot of people I know, not just me. That's your problem! You don't want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie That is from Sleepless in Seatle, and is also in my info. Now that definitely applies to me. I think I'm getting frustrated lately, though I love Pat more than anything, because it's not a "movie quality" relationship anymore. We either watch tv, a movie, go to lunch on campus or he sits in my room and plays computer games. That's about it. We are very comfortable with each other, and I think it's hard for either of us to step up
Wow...I've missed writing in here, but not enough to actually do it. I'm feeling senioritis in a bad way this semester....aka I just want to watch movies, play games, and drink. I don't want to go to classes, or my internship, I just don't want to do anything productive. I hope this is normal for this time of year, because I really don't just want to be a slacker for the rest of my life. I am skipping one of my classes tonight...but it's the first time this semester that I've skipped a class, so I think it's okay. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be writing about, because it's been so long. Hmmm....well last weekend my housemates and my rugby guy friends actually got to hang out a few times. Usually I have all these different groups of friends and it sucks when they get put together b/c it's all awkward but they got along pretty well. Pat's friend Tex took to Sara pretty quickly, and I was afraid he'd just yell a