
Showing posts from September, 2002
Well I want to do a comments thing on here, but it's harder than I expected. So it'll be up in the next...oh....2 months or so. I spent friday AND saturday nights with Pat this weekend. Well fridays we usually hang out because he can't drink before game days which are saturdays, and then saturday nights he parties with the guys. This friday we went to see Four Feathers. It was between that and One Hour Photo, which I knew Pat didn't really want to see. I would have rather seen One Hour Photo, but Four Feathers was good too. Plus the last time we went to the movies we saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding, so I owed him one. I also found out that he's never seen The Godfather which excites me greatly b/c he's seen almost EVERYTHING and finally I get to watch a movie with him that he's never seen and that I know is one of the greatest movies ever. Saturday he had to get up early for his game which was in Geneva (oddly enough) and I just walked back to
Wow this making a webpage stuff is way over my head, if I can actually accomplish it I'm gonna be so proud of myself
I'm not even gonna try to catch up on everything that has happened after my other blog went crazy, so I'm just gonna start with whatever happens this weekend. The only thing I wanna say is that I have never been so sure about a relationship in my life as the one I'm in right now, and I'm lovin it. I wish I knew how wrong my relationship with Nate was gonna be, b/c I would have never put him through it.
Sometimes I wish I could fix everyone's problems with a simple solution....everything would be so much easier and I wouldn't have to watch people I love go through so much pain.....
Ummm or oops I did change it...woohooo
How the hell can I change that "my funny motto" thing?? It's annoying me but I'm not computer savvy enough to change it
Hey guys, this is my new blog! Joe wanted nothing to do with the last one anyway, and the site wasn't letting me post either. So I here it is and I hope ya like it! Oh yeah, and the name "A Leg Grows in C Minor" is something that my piano professor said about a song I composed and called "Allegro in C Minor." Okay it's kinda corny and not funny but I wanted an original name here. If you guys have anything better...I'll have a comments thing up in this blog later and ya'll can comment them to me.