If you are awesome, you will get that tv show reference. And if you need a clue, it's just a click away.

Speaking of tv shows, I've started re-watching Buffy with Andrew, aka We should be currently watching more Buffy, but alas, he is stuck on some lame RPG type ninja thing.

As I am re-watching the episodes, I do miss the show, but I don't feel that longing I get when I re-watch Angel. I'm not sure if it's the lack of closure Angel fans got, or if it was actually a better show than Buffy. I think about Fred and Wes and Gunn, and even Cordelia, and I just want them to be together again, before my very eyes. I think about Buffy and Xander and Willow, and I just remember them fondly, nothing more.

Granted, there are some episodes of Buffy that blow 90% of Angel episodes out of the water (the silent episode/musical episode) so maybe my Angel quotient was just not filled yet when it was wrenched away from me. I don't know, I'm sleep deprived.

In other news, I'm trying to juggle 4 different places in the burrows of NYC that want me to set up interviews for jobs. I'm not even attempting to go to Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, and Long Island all in one day. I am hoping to do 3 places in 2 days (I'm trying to cut Long Island out of my life if possible). Mike is offering to go with me and to make it a kind of vacation thing. This is awesome of him, because it will make it much easier for me to handle if he's there too. That way maybe I won't get lost in some bad section of town and die alone. Or something less melodramatic.

I don't really have much else to say; I'm mostly killing time because I've done a bunch of work and read like 60 pages in my book. Maybe I'll just turn on the tv and force him away from the world of 2D ninjas and into the world of 3D monsters. Or maybe I'll cut my losses and make him watch double the episodes on our next overnight. Hmmm....


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