An Office Update!

The Office has me excited again. First of all, there is Creed. Those of you who don't know his character, he is an old(er) man who is not in much of the show, but he's hilarious when he is in it. I found a youtube video with most of his funny stuff. The firing scene is a bit too long but get past that and hilarity ensues!

So that's Creed. I wanted to be his friend on myspace because I think he's the funniest one besides Jim and Pam. Soooo then I decided to message him to tell him I wished he was in more of the episodes and that he's great. Then I tacked on a "oh and my mom and brother love you so if you get any free time if you could send a quick shout-out to Marilyn and Paul that would be pretty great."

Not 4 hours later, I had a message from him in my inbox saying "Hello to Marilyn and Paul, just a shout-out from Creed--The Office". Which was very cool of him, and my mom and brother are gonna be very excited. (And to all the critics, it was really him, he runs his own page and I'd know if he didn't)

THEN, to make things even better, I read an article today saying that Joss Whedon (!!!!) and J.J. Abrams are going to be writing episodes set to air in February. Joss Whedon is my favorite tv writer/director (Mike and I have been watching Buffy episodes nonstop since last October and we both love Firefly/Serenity) and I like J.J. Abrams to a point, so one episode from him should prove interesting.

And lastly, there's a new episode tonight, less than an hour from now!! I'm seriously in love with this show. AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO.


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